How do we teach these in classrooms?

Training Module

This training module examine how sensitive and controversial issues could be taught in our schools and partnerships. To access the training module please click on the blue box below. 

This module contains three activities that should be completed  using the Teachers Learning Journal. 

Further information to support your learning can be found in the additional CCEA resource materials shared within  the resource section.

Click here: How do we teach sensitive and controversial issues in the classroom? Training Module

Teacher log book (2).docx

The External Voice

Listen to what some external organisations have to say about how sensitive and controversial issues should be taught in our schools and partnerships. 

Click here

The Practitioner's Voice

Listen to what some practitioners have to say about how sensitive and controversial issues should be taught in our schools and partnerships

Click here

Resource Materials

Teaching Controversial Issues.pdf
Teaching Controversial Issues Training Guidance Notes.pdf

CCEA Living Learning Together 

Primary PD&MU

CCEA INSYNC KS3 Personal Development

CCEA Local and Global Citizenship

Session 1_ Exploring controversial issues.pptx