SETI Data From 2022

Note: my SETI data before 2022 is on various web pages in SETI Nuggets such as:

SETI Data From 2021 

SETI Early Data. and SETI Data Updates.
The latter web page, SETI Data Updates, supplements the SETI Early Data information.

Area 51 Uncensored 

House Record July 21, 1969 

Bob Lazar SETI 

The Twining Memo 

SETI's Erroneous Logical Framework 

Flatland  Data from Flatland dimension


Supplemental SETI Research 

New SETI Data Sources  1. Data from Darwin pdf

New Data From Darwin pdf  2. Data from Darwin pdf

English Letter Frequency Counts

Added October 18, 2022

InterPlanetary File System

On a Windows laptop using Google Chrome, I searched for this one keyword, yes in uppercase: IPFS


Note I did not in any way enter these letters NMROY into a Google search box. The letters appeared by themselves when I searched for: IPFS

Also see:

Challenger Data  and The Havana Syndrome

Added October 19, 2022

The appearance of 'NMROY' in a link is extremely improbable. Also in the above  URL there are 9 instances of 'AMy' and other highly nonrandom signals, for example: QQsAMyCggAEEcQ1. In my opinion the above URL is clear evidence of a SETI signal. 

In my opinion, an ET communicating via a URL is more intelligent and makes more sense than communicating to scientists and other observers by sending messages capable of being detected by a radio-telescope. Why? because sending messages to a radio-telescope shows mastery  of communicating using radio waves. However, an ET communicating by altering and inserting messages in a URL shows an entirely new and unknown physics.

Added October 20, 2022

I tried unsuccessfully to re-create the above URL using different browsers, computers, login credentials, and search techniques. The chance of finding a URL containing the symbols 'NMROY' contiguous and all in upper case is not likely. There are other highly nonrandom features including an enormously long URL that displayed after I searched for the keyword: IPFS. Also 9 instances of 'AMy'.


Added October 23, 2022

Searching for more nonrandom signals in the same URL


There are nine instances of 'AQ' in upper case each letter pair separated by 2 symbols.

Also there are

5 instances of this: CENYEELADGA


I have no guesses about the meaning of this: CENYEELADGA

I see: NY, LA, GA. However, these is no reason the same unusual string would appear exactly the same 5 times in a single link.


To the best of my knowledge, the highly nonrandom characters I described above are not used building a Google search link. For example, AQ does not represent a space in an arbitrary URL. The appearance of 'NMROY' is one of many instances observed via my SETI research as I have described in other web pages in this SETI Nuggets web site.

In my opinion, these nonrandom signals, some multiple instances, are not caused by statistical chance:  NMROY, CENYEELADGA, AQ, QQsAMyCggAEEcQ1. 

Added January 18, 2022

"ETs may be headed toward Earth, but are we ready for them?" by Margaret Crable,, University of Southern California.

The post discusses problems that may be encountered communicating with ETs:

"The prospect of meeting another civilization raises questions both captivating and concerning. How do we even communicate with an alien species, especially one that may not use language in a form we can recognize and decipher?" 

My Comments

The writer waxes lyrical on the prospect of humans meeting ETs. Lots of people share the belief we are not alone in the universe and have a strong desire for the revelation of details.

SETI traditionalists are seeking to receive interstellar messages in Morse code or evidencing a set of prime numbers.