SETI Data from US House Record July 21, 1969

US House Congressional Record from July 21 1969,

On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon.

I was looking at the US House of Representatives Congressional Records for totally unrelated information. 

However, when a search landed on July 21, 1969, I saw what in my opinion is a SETI signal. 

These are shown in the image in yellow highlighting.

M, Y, O, R, N

Increasing considerably the unlikely occurrence, on the other side of the same text column are my initials:


I have not calculated the probability according to English letter frequencies for start and end of words.

I consider the above HR text to be newly discovered SETI data.

Page 1 in this document:

Note the text is from July 21, 1969 the day after Neil Armstrong first walked on the surface of the Moon.