Study the Marine Litter dispersion: Citizen Science Application case (ML-CSA)

The aim of the project is to contribute to the request of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56 / EC) (MSFD, Galgani et al., 2010, 2013 and 2014) to increase monitoring studies and people's awareness of marine litter (ML) problem. In detail, the objective is to study the effects of sea currents, winds and river flows on the dispersion of the ML in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas. This objective will be pursued by directly involving the students in the activity. The ML-CSA project will pursue this goal using citizen science, an emerging approach with promising opportunities for science, politics and the public (Garcia-Soto et al., 2021).

The marine litter, which will be equipped with a low-cost electronic device, GPS and GSM connection, designed and built during the INGV "Free Research" ML-DAR project, will be reproduced directly by the students. This project, following the principles of Ocean literacy and in support of the current Ecological Transition strategy, will allow both to sensitize students on the problem of ML and to collect new observational and social data.

The main objective of the ML-CSA project is to apply the citizen science protocol created with the ML-DAR project to investigate the beaching rate and distribution of ML in the coastal and river areas of the Arno with MLs equipped with a low-cost electronic device (GPS and GSM connection), involving students through high school internships (PCTO - Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation) using non-formal methods such as peer education and/or intergenerational learning.

The project will take place within the framework of two PCTO conventions stipulated between the IIS Capellini-Sauro of La Spezia and respectively INGV and CNR-IFC with the collaboration of CNR-ISMAR.

Study areas involved:

Information and communication technology, Chemistry of materials for marine technologies, Nautical logistics.

Preliminary program of activities:

Animation made by Elektra Marzocchi student of 4Inf-A class, IIS Capellini-Sauro in La Spezia.