Plastic and Us

The exhibition "Plastic and Us", born in collaboration between the Museum of Natural History of the University of Pisa, the Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR - CNR) of Lerici and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Rome 2) based in Portovenere, addresses the issue of plastic pollution in the sea, a global problem that affects many aspects of our daily lives and many aspects of environmental protection and human health.

In addition to presenting relevant data on pollution and some results of the latest research carried out on Tuscan beaches, the exhibition encourages us to reflect on our relationship with plastic, the damage that plastic can cause to our ecosystem and what we can do to limit them.

Accompanying visitors along the entire route of the Museum's evocative Cetacean Gallery, "Plastics and Us" is intended to be both a provocation and an opportunity to become aware of the fact that the problem of plastics is not a fashion issue to be observed from afar, but something that involves us all personally, that we produce every day and that we ourselves can, in part, limit.

The exhibition, was visible to the public from July 24, 2020 to May 31, 2021 at The Museum of Natural History of the University of Pisa in Calci (PI), is realized with the support of Acque SpA, Geofor and Revet, and with the collaboration of: Municipality of Calci, Tuscany Region, UniCoop Florence and Toscana Pallets.

On the University of Pisa Museum website and in two articles, one in Italian (Battaglini, S., et al., 2020) and one in English (Merlino et al., 2022), it is possible to learn more about all the details of the exhibition.

Photos by University of Pisa.