
The world of Sanctum has a rich and diverse set of races, all with their own unique traits, skills, and drawbacks. These races can be found in all parts of the world, whether it be in a lordship, on a boat at sea, or in the skies living in the airships found flying around. 

Most races are native to this planet, but the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes are from the next planet over - It was deemed uninhabitable after the star the solar system circles around had a small explosion. The incredibly powerful solar flare pushed back the first five planets, knocking them off their axis and throwing them out of control. The two planets next to the five planets crashed into each other, creating a large asteroid belt. Scorena was a part of a zone that was close enough to the sun to stay warm, but once the flare pushed it back it became too cold. These races used their technology to create airships capable of going into space to take their people to a planet that can sustain them, and that planet was Sanctum. The movement of these people on five large lifeships was called the Excursion.

Unfortunately, what these races did not know is that on Sanctum, life already had bloomed and spread across the world. Animelia, as the human race dubbed them, were welcoming to the outsiders. They gave them land to live on and cultivate, food to life off of, and knowledge of the geography and biology of this new land. The outsider races returned their kindness with destruction, however, and ravaged the world in a fit of greed. Elves fighting with Gnomes in Tez, the Humans and the Half-Elves in Sabaku engaging each other for their land, and Animelia caught in the middle of the crossfire. Animelia ran for cover, hiding in their own hidden towns to avoid the warfare. 

Hundreds of years pass, and soon the outsiders are forgiven for their mistakes. They give the Animelia their land back, and in conjunction sharing their knowledge and new cities with them. 

Now, these races all live in relative peace, having spread out and settled in each kingdom.

Level Adjustment: Some races are more powerful than others, and as such they have what is called a Level Adjustment. This means they count as 1 or 2 levels higher than they actually are, which affects how much experience is needed until next level. For example: if a race has a level adjustment of +1, they simply won’t level up to second level until the party hits 3rd level and so on.