Trifish NPCs

Here is a list of all of the characters our players have met or people that have enough of a social standing to be well known by most.

Royal Families


Empress Sherri Bloom - Empress of Trifia, oldest of the Bloom Royal Family children, Lady of Schylar Lordship. and Duke Nathaniel's sister.

Duke Nathaniel Bloom - Empress Bloom's brother, royal advisor, and Lord of Schylar Lordship.


Lord Sebastian Kent - Drow Lord of Kent and husband to Radu.

Lord Radu Kent - Drow Lord of Kent and husband to Sebastian.


Lord Tudor Blause - Human Lord of Blause.


Lord Matyas Roman - Halfling Lord of Roman and husband to Verde.

Lady Verde Roman - Halfling Lady of Roman and wife to Matyas.


Lady Amalia Briar - Half-Elven Lady of Briar.


Lord Stef Lois - Half-Orc Lord of Lois.


Lord Madalin Castel - Human Lord of Providence.


Lord Edward Bloom - Animelia Lord of Bloom, husband to Vlad, and father of Empress Bloom and Duke Nathaniel.

Lord Vlad Bloom - Animelia Lord of Bloom, husband to Edward, and father of Empress Bloom and Duke Nathaniel.


Lady Erika Lara - Half-Drow Lady of Lara and daughter of Lord Sebastian of Kent Lordship.


Lord Victor Voltare - Elven Lord of Voltare


Lady Diana Grecia - Human Earth Genasi Lady of Grecia and wife to Kateryna.

Lady Kateryna Grecia - Human Earth Genasi Lady of Grecia and wife to Diana.