Sabakuan NPCs

Here is a list of all of the characters our players have met or people that have enough of a social standing to be well known by most.

Royal Families


King Torah Katt - King of Sabaku and Lord of the Katt Lordship. A prolific human barbarian who has won many battles and won the throne.


Lord Mazen Yamata - Half-elven Lord of Yamata.


Lord Tarek Demo - Human Lord of Demo and husband to Azza.

Lady Azza Demo - Human Lady of Demo and wife to Tarek.

Duke Tayo Demo - Son of Tarek and Azza Demo and husband to Adaego.

Duchess Adaego Demo - Tayo's wife.


Lady Tabarak Yoru - Goliath Lady of Yoru.


Lord Moaz Swahili - Elven Lord of Swahili and husband to Tunci.

Lord Tunci Swahili - Elven Lord of Swahili and husband to Moaz.


Lord Ayman Dassa - Human Lord of Dassa and husband to Mayar.

Lady Mayar Dassa - Human Lady of Dassa and wife to Ayman.


Lord Youssef Ziwa - Gnomish Lord of Ziwa and husband to Jana.

Lady Jana Ziwa - Gnomish Lady of Ziwa and wife to Youssef.


Lord Midas Kubwa - Human Lord of Kubwa and husband to Yasmine.

Lady Yasmine Kubwa - Human Lady of Kubwa and wife to Midas.

Selene Kubwa - Midas and Yasmine's young daughter. 


Lady Sara Jaro - Elven Lady of Jaro and wife to Haliee.

Lady Hailee Jaro - Elven Lady of Jaro and wife to Sara.


Lord Ahmed Killimen - Giant Lord of Killimen.