
Arcoti is the most technologically advanced kingdom in the world, settled right next to the Meridian Rings. Because of the fact that most of the kingdom is on the cold side of the Rings and being located so far north, this kingdom is covered in snow for nine out of ten months a year. This kingdom is also known for their military might.

Culture: Arcoti is most famous culturally for their technology. Streamlined weapons that can subdue and kill efficiently are used in military efforts. These people are proud of their tech and frequently flaunt the fact that they do not rely on magical items much at all. 

Their shields specialize in stunning Arcotish animals so Arcoti's world-class scientists can study these mysterious creatures. These reserved people also take pride in their foods. Different types of bread, cakes, and butter made here are sold around the world. Unfortunately, most Arcotish citizens (especially the older elves) are very discriminatory against the Animelia race. The Arcotish colonized Animelia land here in Arcoti, and even today resent these natives.

Geography: Cold and covered in ice, Arcoti is usually known as a frozen waste. The Blau Mountain Ranges and Caverns host a large cave system filled with adventure and gold, and are known for their amazing waterfalls and ice caverns. Frozen specimens of mammoths, tigers, and woolly rhinoceros; fossilized remains of ancient beasts; and insects petrified in amber are commonly found here, showing the prehistory of the kingdom. To the east and part of the southern areas, however, life flourishes as it is closer to the warmer side of the Meridian Rings. Large spruce trees and various conifers dot the land and create beautifully thick forests. Archaeologists, biologists, and rare item collectors alike flock to these eastern Arcotish lordships. 

Ruler: The current leader is Lord Titan Tanium, the lord of the Deutsche Lordship. He is the general commander of Arcoti's military, leading the kingdom in any and all of their pursuits. Lord Titan was the only kingdom leader to have been elected by his people and is loved by most. 

Relations: Currently Arcoti is officially allied with the four other kingdoms. Their ties with Sabaku and Trifia are straining, however, because of Arcoti's endorsement of Countess Nori's actions in Teiboku. 

Real-World Inspirations: The main inspirations are Germany and France - most places' names are based on the German language. Many staples of rural Germany are found in rural parts of Arcoti. Many of the foods mentioned refer to French foods -baguettes, crepes, and more.  

Although not in the real world, a wide array of the tech and weapons created here resemble the technology found in the fictional country of Wakanda. 

Leviathan: The Mithral Golem, commonly referred to in ancient texts as The Elise, is a Gargantuan Construct frozen deep in the Blau Ice Caverns. A towering humanoid shape constructed of shimmering blue armor, this amazing creation was shut down and hidden away by Tiana, the Goddess of Justice and Valor, who defeated this construct with her Golden Glaive. This is the only Leviathan to be defeated out of the six that can be found around the world. 

Deutsche Lordship: This lordship is the largest and most populated in Arcoti. To the north, the Blau Mountain Ranges run along the arctic seashore, effectively blocking the lordship off from the northern ocean. The Polar Wastes are located just south of the mountain range, further barring Arcotish citizens from the continent. Deutsche's cities instead are all in or around the Kalt Woods, a rich spruce forest filled with precious materials for their tech. 

The capital of Deutsche and Arcoti overall is the metropolis named Ekkehard. This huge bustling hub is located near a fjord in the Blau Mountain Range. Suspended in the sky in the clouds over the mountains, it requires a high class airship ticket to get into the city. All you need is your traveling papers or an air captain who doesn't notice stowaways. Lord Titan, leader of Arcoti, lives and works in this city. 

Another large city is Ellanher, a place where many dwarves flock for the amazing array of precious metals and artifacts. Many item collectors live here because the kingdom's magic trading bazaar is located here.

Other smaller but still busy cities include Botwrighte, Foxe, and Gravese. Botwright is known for being one of the first cities built by the dwarves, showing the beautifully intricate stonework of ancient times. Foxe is a city that focuses on advancing technology, whether it be creating new and improved weapons, making better armor, or more. Gravese is a city that farm indoors, having creating tiered farms that are out of the harsh cold. 

Daubeg and Braung are smaller towns more susceptible to the harsh freezes of the Polar Waste. Daubeg especially is a shadow of its former glory, only housing an abandoned Affinity Compound built before Lord Titan was elected to his current role.

Germic Lordship: Germic is another large Lordship and a neighbor to Deutsche. Split by a large river and a fjord, Germic citizens don't leave to the west too often. The Blau Mountain Range continues extending out to the sea in the north, but the Polar Waste ends at the river. The infamously haunted Blau Ice Caverns end the mountain range, housing the remains of the Mithral Golem in the ice. Although still snowy, it is significantly warmer in Germic than Deutsche. The wooded areas are safe havens from the wind and ice - many of Arcoti's druids reside in this unnamed forest. 

The capital of this lordship is Talea. This city is far from the size of Ekkehard, but still quite large. This city is known for their high quality distilleries. Here they process wine, whiskey, rum, and many other types of drinks. Talea is responsible for over 25% of Arcoti's alcohol exports and 50% of Germic's wealth. The tavern system here is booming - offering these high quality drinks really rounds up the bar-goers.

Faramund is a large city as well - most of the military functions for this lordship process here because of the military base, Amity Compound, instated by Lord Titan. The Lord frequently places his high-ranking officials at the base in this city. 

Other cities here include Beckete and Adelinde. They are not as busy as Faramund, but there is more diversity because these two cities are ports found along the eastern shore. Here they fish for salmon and farm expensive black caviar respectively. Although the amount of exported product is small, many food critics around the world say that Adelinde caviar is the best in the world. 

Smaller towns found here are Elke and Glasg, found farther inland. Elke and Glasg are closely related farming towns that work together frequently. These cities and towns are responsible for a large chunk of Arcoti's food production.

Ford Lordship: Ford is the northern sister island to Kyr. These two islands work closely together in the mining industry, mining for cobalt, copper, and oil. Cobalt and copper together especially is important for Arcoti's technology because it gives the bright blue light used to stun many of the kingdom's more dangerous creatures. Ford and Kyr both are significantly warmer than the other lordships because they are right next to the Meridian Rings - during the summer and fall they can stay out of the shadows longer, thereby holding off the intense freezes for a few extra weeks.

The capital of Ford is the ancient city of Walter, a powerful city when the Animelia still were in power. This city is the center of the copper mining operation and makes almost all of its wealth from mining. The entire city has a brassy overtone with a steampunk design. Airships are constructed in factories and heaters built throughout the city to keep the snow away from the industrial districts.

The only other city in Ford is Egilhard, another industry-crazy community. Just as big as Walter, this city on the shore uses hydroelectricity to power their factories - making this city significantly cleaner than Walter, which use fossil fuels such as coal. Many people rally and protest in favor of making Egilhard the capital of Ford instead of Walter. This is a huge point of contention in Egilhard's community and has caused a huge rift between the two largest energy companies in the lordship.

Kyr Lordship: Just south of Ford, Kyr Lordship is another island next to the Meridian Rings. Here they mine for oil and iron to create the alloy needed for the strength of their technology. This island is just like Ford - dirty and polluted. 

The capital of Kyr is an industrial city named Bradforde, known for producing a large supply of iron from the vein found underneath the city. Many citizens have moved away to the other two towns in the lordship because over-mining in the area put Bradforde at risk for cave-ins and sinkholes. 

The other two cities are Waldenburg and Engel. Waldenburg is a city that specializes in oil products, producing petroleum and gasoline. Engel is a religious city that houses the largest church to The Stars in the world at Engel Cathedral. 

Norwise Lordship: With more free land than Plalind, this lordship's cities escape the cold frozen ice spike plains by living in the forests on the western side of the island. They work with the spruce and fragrant conifers to export building materials to the mainland. They also commonly make and export gear to protect against the cold such as parkas.

The capital of Norwise is Garveg. This city is smaller than the other capitals in Arcoti, but it's still got its fame. Garveg is known for producing weapons smiths that can create cold iron weapons. 

Another city is Anthelm, a port city that exports everything from both lordships on the island. They also process food imports through here for the rest of the island. 

Bruno and Fultone are the other two towns in Norwise. Bruno farms wooly animals to process their fur for gear. Once the fur is harvested, it's sent to Fultone to be tailored into jackets, blankets, shoes, and bags.

Plalind Lordship: This lordship is cold. Here the plains are covered in magnificent ice spikes covering the southern side of the island. Very few animals live here because of the dangerous conditions. 

The capital of Plalind is Hilda. Most of the wealthy people living on the island go here because it's "safest" city in Plalind. The only thing to come out of this city is snobby rich women. The Silver Beacon is found in the heart of town, but it has been turned off for decades now.

The other two towns in Plalind are Anselm and Thale, located in the ice spike plains. These towns are ghost towns with no one living in them because Arcoti's wildlife drove out the settlers. It's barren and eerie as you hear the wind blow through the windows and the screams of those who lived here before.