
Trifia is a kingdom in the west, known for its skyscrapers, bustling cities, and incredible diversity. The warmest kingdom on this side of the Meridian Rings and the most populated in the world in general, their close relations to Arcoti in the north improved their technological and military might. Rumors of a relationshjp growing between Empress Bloom of Trifia and King Torah of Sabaku circulate regularly. 

Culture: The people here have known war, racism, and intolerance. These people know that you don't have any idea of what's going on in a person's life, so they strive to be kind to everyone. They're the most accepting of Animelia and extraplanar races, and are very open-minded to new ideas. Trifia is known as a melting pot because of this, filled with many difference ways of life. Here you can find towns full of people from Arcoti, Sabaku, Teiboku, the oceans, and people from beyond that. Because this kingdom is so open to other ways of life and never stopped to make up their own, Trifia's culture is the absence of a single, unifying one. 

Geography: Large cities populate the Expanse Plains in the eastern part of the kingdom and the Lois Island in the middle of the sea, but much of 

the west and north is covered with untouched woods left for the druids and rangers to inhabit and thrive in. These forests are dangerous, filled with creatures never documented or studied before. Rumors of vampires residing in the La Dracu Woods pop up now and again, but most wave it away. Other than these sprawling forests, there is a large beach named the Paradise Shore full of palm trees that were gifted to the kingdom by Sabaku when Empress Bloom's great grandfather was the current Emperor. There is also a sizable cave system in the Rahat Forest many brave adventurers pillage for loot. 

Ruler: The current ruler of Trifia is a dragon Animelia Sorceress named Empress Sherri Bloom. Her great grandfather was the famous Emperor Bjornsson, and her heritage makes Bloom and her younger brother Nathaniel strive for glory just like their ancestor. When she was old enough, Bloom became the Empress of Trifia and named Nathaniel the royal Duke of Bloom Lordship. As said above, many citizens of both Trifia and Sabaku theorize that someday their kingdoms will be forever united when Empress Bloom and King Torah develop a meaningful relationship.

Relations: Trifia has kept up a good relationship with both Arcoti and Sabaku for many generations. Trifia and Tez are allies and also share land. This kingdom has had good relations with Teiboku before but is currently in a rough patch because of the questionable political moves made by Countess Nori of Teiboku. 

Real-World Inspirations: The main inspirations were the United States of America, Greece, Ireland, and Romania. The cities share many similarities with U.S cities such as New York City, Detroit, and San Francisco. Smaller towns, especially by the Lois Sea, have Greek architecture. Many location names are in Romanian and the countryside resembles real-world Ireland with its rocky accents, old stone walls, and rolling hills dotting the landscape.

Leviathan: Oligahara is a Colossal Gold Dragon that lives on an island off of Schylar Lordship in the Lois Sea. She is the Dragon Queen of Justice, educating her subjects on how best to pursue their evildoing targets. Her giant nest is in the destroyed tower of a ruined castle overlooking a clear, picturesque lake. The area she can be found in is known for being one of the most beautiful places in the kingdom. Oligahara loves the citizens of Trifia and is known as the only Leviathan to have any positive interactions with the people she co-exists with. Many people from all walks of life go to her lair to hear her stories and learn her teachings - she is especially popular with bards and frequently gives her stories dashes of flair for the musically inclined.

Kent Lordship: Kent Lordship is the smallest lordship in Trifia. It is covered in more snow than the rest of the kingdom and has many frozen beaches. When the grass is green. however, Kent is one of the only lordships in Trifia where the elusive Meadowlover grows naturally - their bright pink blooms pop against the low bushes in the landscape. 

    The capital of Kent is a small city called Chelovek, a community of fishermen that cast out large nets into the water to catch large volumes of fish. These fish are then exported throughout northern Trifia and help feed millions of people a year. They also get processed into other foods in factories.

    The only other town in Kent is a town named Stali. This small, tight-knit community produces a large share of the food for Kent. Here they farm hardy grains and export goat's milk and cheese to Chelovek.

    Blause Lordship: Another colder and smaller lordship similar to Kent, this lordship has a close relationship with Arcoti. The Blau Mountain Range starts in this Lordship, barring off much of their northern shore from the rest of the lordship. Meadowlover can also be found in this lordship, but curiously enough stops growing just before Arcoti's border with Blause (most likely because the Polar Waste also starts where Arcoti's border meets Trifia's). 

    The capital of Blause is Alimente, a smaller city founded by the lordship's ruling family. Nestled right on the coast next to the Blau Mountain Range, this city, this trading outpost handles some of the Trifia-Arcoti material trading.  Here they specialize in appraising any raw gemstones from Arcoti's mining expeditions. 

    The other two cities, Apa and Minunat, are on the southern shores overlooking the Gulf of Lois. Apa is a typical city that doesn't contribute much. Minunat is a city built by the rich, for the rich. Here you can find expensive houses right against the sea with beautiful views of the water and inner shoreline of Trifia's western side.

    Roman Lordship: This lordship is larger than the previous two. The Arctic Forest, gifted to Trifia by Arcoti, is located in the northwestern corner of the continent. It houses many druids specializing in the colder side of nature and caters to any Arcotish citizens who have immigrated to Trifia. Beautiful rolling hills cover central Roman; a prime spot for farming crops and domesticating animals, especially being situated right beside the Lois Sea. The Gulf of Lois also sits in the northeast corner of the lordship. 

    The capital of Roman is a large metropolis named Lupin. This huge city caters to all walks of life, curating a beautiful hotpot of music and art. Lupin is considered the unofficial capital of bards - many serious creators dream of learning from the masters of music in this city. Turning a corner will send you to another part of the world, whether you find yourself hearing Teiboku's beautiful string music, admiring the clay pottery of Sabaku, or watching Arcotish metalworkers master their craft right in front of your eyes. The Emerald Beacon is also located in the heart of the city, in the middle of the gardening district.

Montru is a city that branded itself around the legends about an ancient vampire empire's capital being in the same general area. They produce silver weapons for adventurers and frequently market as a tourist attraction with goods themed around these creatures. What many do not know, however, is that there is a large secret society of dhampir working in Montru to make the city more inviting to non-tourists by trying to dispel the real myths of vampires.

    Other cities in Roman include Romani and Vanator. Romani is known for their exceptional wood carving skills, producing wooden sculptures, cooking wares, and sometimes even barbarian totems. Vanator is the smallest city out of the three, remaining a humble trading post where farmers trade their wheat, peaches, and oranges for sheep and cows.

The two smaller towns in Roman are Haritor and Vaypir. Haritor is a small farming community that exports various leafy vegetables such as lettuce, kale, and spinach. Vaypir is a nickname for this abandoned and supposedly haunted town. The original name has unfortunately been lost to time, however, as the legend of vampires overtaking this small farming community far outgrew any history this town once had. People say that there are still people living there but most are too cowardly to find out if the inhabitants are more or less human.

Briar Lordship: Briar is a smaller lordship that bridges the gap between the colder northern lordships and the warmer ones further south. The people here are close to the water of the Lois Sea, fishing for food and diving underwater to forage for clams, oysters, and whatever else they can find. Briar tends to flood, so many Teibokunese architects travel here to give advice and guidance on how to build homes that keep out any water. Because of how many Teibokunese citizens travel here, some of Briar's culture has changed - houses are loosely styled after Teiboku's homes, the food is a delicious mix of Trifish and Teibokunese cuisine, even the language and the dialect used in Briar is different from the neighboring lordships.

The capital of Briar is De-Vie, the hub of the melting pot. Here you can find a beautifully unique mixture of Trifish and Teibokunese cultures. People flock here from around the world to see the amazing food and music that has come from this city, even holding an annual festival celebrating their diversity. 

The other city in Briar is Vita, a smaller city that is just as unique to the region as De-Vie is. Vita trades with Schylar Lordship's Dulce, sending the nearby city resources and food for goods and services. They commonly get firearms and ammunition for their hardwoods and clay here.

Lois Lordship: When Eos was picking his Chosen Ones, he granted them a gift. Laurie, the Goddess of Agriculture, was gifted the Staff of Fysi - She used this staff to raise an island out of the sea to create a place where people could farm enough food to keep up with a famine ravaging Trifia. This island raised out of the Lois Sea to save people from starvation was Lois Lordship. Lois Lordship is a beautiful island that has become known as holy land to those who worship Laurie, often taking a pilgrimage to the island to learn her teachings.

The capital of Lois is Gazetar, a holy city that many worshippers of Eos' Chosen Ones go to. The main goddess worshipped here is Laurie for obvious reasons, but temples to Tiana and Tirek are also found here. This city is huge, with a large temple on a hill in the middle of the island and the rest of the city building out in a spiral around it. Each district is unique from the others and you can find pieces of each kingdom's cultures in Gazetar. You can easily find the different types of houses of worship here as well - Arcotish churches, Teibokunese shrines, Tezish synagogues, and Sabakuan mosques can be found throughout this metropolis.

The other city in Lois is Banda, a historical farming community with roots in the original farms established here with Laurie's help. This place serves as a historical landmark, with statues and signs showing off artifacts from the first farms on the island. The people here are all incredibly friendly and love to talk about their families' roots in the land.

    Providence Lordship: Providence is the second-largest lordship in Trifia. This beautiful lordship has the Rahat Forest in the north and The Crescent right next to the capital. Sharing a border with Arcoti, this place frequently trades over the border. Providence processes a majority of the immigration requests from Arcoti and Teiboku and sends visitors to Providence Island. 

    The capital of Providence is Sat, a large city that is a bustling hub of business. Huge skyscrapers form a beautiful skyline you can view from Providence Island, and the city lights up the shoreline of The Crescent in the spring. Sat is another culturally diverse city, with different districts catering to different groups of people. Many tourists come here to watch bards perform, magic-users duel, and craft masters create art.

Another city in Providence is Miere. This city takes in many immigrants; these people arrive on ships from Teiboku and Sabaku and land here in the port city. Miere also competes with Arcoti's Adelinde in Germic Lordship for the best caviar in the world, but can never meet Adelinde's high standards for production. 

    Other cities in Providence are Orcas and Castel. Orcas is another city that caters to other kingdoms, but this time specifically food. People from around the world attend the prestigious culinary arts colleges that are located in the city. Tourists also flock here for the amazing array of foods you can get here, from street food to fine dining. Castel is a big city that is also along the coast. This port sends ships to Lois Lordship and also has an airport right outside to also take people to the holy island.

Hol and Amuzant are smaller farming towns that grow food for the lordship. Hol usually farms carrots and potatoes while Amuzant sends out oranges, apples, and peaches. Trifish citizens always say that Amuzant-grown oranges are the best in the kingdom, after all.

     Providence Island: This island is a very important and incredibly sacred place in the world. This is the island where The Stars brought their Chosen Ones to be given their gifts. Providence Island has been scarred from this event, however. The building that was here had been blown away by the power Eos and Amara gave up to the Chosen Ones - only its foundations remain. Some say if you're lucky to be at the right place at the right time, you will see Eos and Amara's stars in the night sky, but this is just a legend.

    Schylar Lordship: Schylar Lordship is the largest lordship in Trifia, and definitely the most well-known. Here at the southeastern edge of the Realm Woods is where the capitol of Trifia is situated. This lordship's breathtaking views from the various cliff faces and rolling hills that are covered in climbing ivy and flowering greenery is internationally revered for their beauty. 

The capitol of Schylar and Trifia as a whole is an insanely large metropolis named Endrova. This giant city is known for just about anything and everything, being the capitol of the melting pot kingdom. Towering skyscrapers mix with the different districts of the city, seamlessly block by block. Every step you take transports you to a different place in each kingdom, showing you a beautiful array of cultures, foods, clothing, and more. Empress Bloom lives and works in the center of Endrova, yet the rest of the major ruling family lives in Bloom Lordship.

Baiat is another notably large metropolis found in Schylar. Known for their bustling business scene, many companies call Baiat their home of operations. This city also has an interesting mixture of Trifish architecture and Arcotish technology, with fancy sports cars sharing the roads with their more high-flying variants shipped in from Arcoti. Streetlights float in the skies and cars fly over your head and many streets are lit up with dazzlingly-bright umbrellas to keep the grit off pedestrians. 

Dulce and Iubit are other large cities in Schylar Lordship. Dulce is most likely the most well-known globally as it is a city that trades many different items to other kingdoms, whether it be food, electronics, or more. This city is also known for sending many firearms to Vita in Briar Lordship. Iubit, nestled right next to the expansive Realm Woods, uses the wood from the huge oaks to make luxury furniture, frequently sending them to Minunat in Blause Lordship.

The three other smaller villages in Schylar Lordship are Sotie, Fata, and Vaduva. Each of these towns are responsible for most of the farming and lumber businesses in the area.

Valor Island: Valor is an island shared by Trifia and Tez. Considered to be owned by both kingdoms, this piece of land serves as a reminder of Trifia and Tez' lifelong alliance. This larger island is ruled by both Grecia and Ani's royal families. 

    Bloom Lordship: Bloom Lordship is most famous for the absolutely breathtaking views of the land you can find here. Much of the land is protected by rangers and considered sacred to druid tribes, and for good reason. This lordship was magically touched by Laurie, God of Agriculture, and was said to have been blessed to never lose color. Since then, this lordship has bloomed and blossomed into a beautiful paradise full of flowers, fruit, and greenery.

Tulpina is Bloom Lordship's capitol city. Here the rest of Empress Bloom's family lives and works, and they are loved by their people for being kind leaders. Known for the colorful flowers just like the rest of their lordship, this city is covered in climbing ivy and blooming sweet pea covering the white-brick buildings that are spread throughout the city. It's surprisingly quiet and calm here. 

The only other cities in Bloom are Florare and Frunze. Florare is another city much like Tulpina. Flowery and known for their plants, this place is a hub for gardeners and druids. Many come here to hone their druidic craft as they create and interact with life, plants, and animals around. Frunze is a nice merchant community set up in the gulf between Bloom and Schylar.

    Lara Lordship: Lara is a very small peninsula connected to Schylar. The lovely seashore mixes with the lush, rolling hills seamlessly to create a paradise. Seagulls and albatross fly overhead as the palm trees sway with the sea wind, the salty air being a refreshing change from the pine and oak forests of the other lordships of Trifia.

Florenta, capitol of Lara, is home to prolific fishing company Laratare Fishing Co. that provides seafood for Lara, Schylar, Voltare, and Grecia. This company sells king crabs, tuna fish, Atlasa salmon and more to these lordships and has become known for their exceptional quality. 

The only other town in Lara is a smaller farming town named Roma. Here they farm rice using techniques learned from Teiboku. This town has the same white-brick homes that many other towns on Trifia's countryside has with artists decorating the sides of these blank walls with explosions of color and expression.

    Voltare Lordship: Voltare and Grecia are connected on a large landmass off the coasts of Schylar and Providence. The lovely seaside gives a beautiful view of the city skylines of Schylar Lordship and give the two island lordships a reputation for being a generally beautiful place to visit. These two lordships are closely related and became even closer when Lord Victor Voltare became the lord of Voltare; as he is Lady Diana and Lady Kateryna Grecia's son. 

Flacari is the capitol city of Voltare, a large metropolis known for being a very beautiful and romantic city to visit. Lighting up the city at night with a large metal monument in the center of the city, Flacari commonly has people from all walks of life come to visit for the great food and huge parties along with the quieter areas of the city. Festivals are frequently held here as well, such as the Four Swords Tournament and the Spring Solstice Festival.

Two other major cities in Voltare are Foc and Vulcan, two large metropoli that work closely in the automotive industry. Foc has many engineering colleges that turn out engineers year after year to design new cars, trucks, and buses while Vulcan focuses on production - creating giant assembly lines to produce automobiles at an absurd rate. Lavara and Munte are two smaller towns that mainly act as smaller suburbs; engineers who work in Foc commonly commute from Lavara. Munte is more hick than Lavara, with more of your stereotypical midwestern farmer types living in the community.

    Grecia Lordship: The lordship that makes up the other side of the island Voltare shares, Grecia Lordship is the pinnacle of beauty. With beautifully sprawling meadows full of wildflowers, fine white sand making up their beaches, and stunningly green birch forests wooding the inner land of the island, Grecia is and always has been the place to go for a vacation or to inspire your love of nature's wonders.

Hellene is the beautiful capitol of Grecia, known for the 146 concert halls situated all throughout the city. Known for their theater, Hellene pumps out incredibly talented dancers, singers, actors, and more from their schools of art. Much like Lupin of Roman Lordship, bards flock to the city to learn from the masters and, perhaps, become one of the greats themselves.

Others cities in Grecia include Lutor and Crima, cities that tend to contribute little other than offer diversity in the form of the mixture of Trifish and Tezish culture. Modern housing mixes with the more medieval buildings and taverns and town halls, while the food is an interesting explosion of new flavor. Cezar and Uncide are smaller farming communities close to how Munte of Voltare Lordship runs itself. Medieval plows work alongside more modern tractors and heavy machinery to create an interesting farming culture.