
Culture: Stuck in the medieval era of their development because of a low life expectancy, Tez has no plumbing or electricity except in areas built up by Trifia and Arcoti such as Fort Maximus. People her wear natural, earthy colors and fabrics that keep out the bite of cold but layer up to shed some of the insulation when they travel to the eastern parts of the islands where it warms up considerably. There is a strict hierarchy in place, with Lords at the top, then artisans, merchants, farmers, and criminals rounding out the bottom.

Geography: Farmland is scarce in Tez because of the sandy, rocky terrain and the damaged Ph of the soil. The only sustainable area is in Archipelago, and even in that lordship there are large food wastelands. In addition to that, there is the Annasach Mountain Range, home to violent ogres, trolls, giants, and goliaths.

Ruler: The ruler of Tez is a young human man named Tsar Tezara Pichit. He was the last in line for the royal throne, but when a terrible accident happened that killed the rest of the royal family, the under-trained Pichit took the throne. He has been getting help and guidence from a close family friend, Lady Constantin Ani of Ani Lordship for years.

Relations: Tez tries to maintain a good relationship with the rest of the kingdoms in order to have the open trade needed to save their people. Tez and Trifia work closely to supply aid to their starving people, but with the kingom near-failing to support itself, many families have resorted to seeking refuge in Trifia and Sabaku.

Real-World Inspirations: Tez takes inspiration from Arthurian times, with medieval fantasy in full swing: from dazzling wizards to evil hags and dragons, this is the most stereotypical fantasy-setting-themed kingdom in the world. The culture itself lends itself towards more English styles, such as the old castles and food. 

Leviathan: The leviathan that resides here is named Blendarhyst - an evil undead black dragon. The ancient dracolich is easily the most territorial leviathan out of them all, constantly flying around the islands and gleefully striking down any creature larger than a horse. Blendarhyst regularly picks fights with Tatsumaji in Teiboku, having epic battles that wreak havoc and destroy large areas of land in both kingdoms. He constantly has to validate himself by being the biggest, baddest leviathan and is a large factor in the kingdom's famine because of his acid breath killing the land and making the soil unable to grow any plants. Oligahara of Trifia regularly reprimands him for his deeds, but he has not ended his latest onslaught in at least 50 years.

Pichit Lordship: Pichit Lordship is easily one of the most desolate areas in the kingdom, being Blendarhyst's home. The evil dracolich has destroyed much of the kingdom in his rage, creating the Fuar Waste that stretches across the southern border of the lordship. He currently lives in the Annasach Range, a small mountain range that bars the eastern side of the lordship from the eastern sea shore. There are very few trees here, only smaller shrubs and foliage dotting the gravely, depleted landscape.

Seillean is the capitol of Pichit Lordship and Tez as a whole. Nestled in the northern corner of the Annasach Range, the mountains serve as a perfect place to keep a high ground in case of siege. The city is an impermeable fortress, known for keeping out many threats including Blendarhyst. Most of the population of Pichit is safe in these walls.

Flur is the only other city in Pichit, ransacked and abandoned as it is the birthplace of Blenderhyst's evil resurrection decades ago.  The once prosperous city was a beautiful stronghold where many lived and worked, developing a more advanced society. Now left in the rubble are the humble beginnings of a sewer system and wizardly technology to bring electricity to the lordship, never to be utilized now.

The only other active settlement in Pichit is Mil, a small village of people trying to survive the epic winter. Druids are here trying to restore the soil and plant life in the lordship, hiding their efforts whenever Blendarhyst is heard in the distance. Slowly they 

Schular Lordship: Description of Lordship. Notable details.

Capitol City. Notable Details.

Another Major City. Notable Details.

Other cities. Notable details.

Smaller towns. Notable details.

Ani Lordship: Description of Lordship. Notable details.

Capitol City. Notable Details.

Another Major City. Notable Details.

Other cities. Notable details.

Smaller towns. Notable details.

Archipelago Lordship: The Archipelago Lordship is a rather populated area compared to the rest of Tez. Far from the Fuar Wastes and the Annasach Mountain Range, it is the safest lordship in the kingdom. It is the most regrown, with a small taiga along the eastern coast filled with various conifers. It is cold, but not snowy. 

In the city of Eilean located on a large island belonging to Archipelago, Lord and Lady Dragos and Roxanna Eilean are working to rebuild after a rampant Shadowcaster tore through the southern sector of the city. It's been a hard few months; resources are already scarce and rebuilding efforts are next to halted. Many of the citizens of the southern sector of Eilean are living in poverty, having no place to go.

Lordship: Description of Lordship. Notable details.

Capitol City. Notable Details.

Another Major City. Notable Details.

Other cities. Notable details.

Smaller towns. Notable details.