Teibokunese NPCs

Here is a list of all of the characters our players have met or people that have enough of a social standing to be well known by most.

Player Character Family Members

Amir/Vax'ildan - Elaris the Bard's father. An elven rogue that was cast out of his home by Elaris' mother for currently unknown reasons. 

Moryan Tanké - DT's father, who died in the attack on Adamantem.

Ridina Tanké - Dt's mother, who also died in Adamantem.

Sean - Holly's sorcerer father. Went missing along with his wife at a magical tower deep in the Soren Forest. 

Marylynn - Holly's sorceress mother and Sean's wife. Like her husband, she went missing at a magical tower.

The Enchanter's Guild

Morgana Oum - Leader and founder of the Enchanter's Guild. A very old elf that is scarred from her experiments on magical items.

Roslin Blake - An elven Tirek cleric specializing in curing magical diseases. 

Antonio Roylott-Deyrollo - Human samurai who is the captain of the Deyrollo Royal Guard. He is currently at the guild to get his weapons enchanted.

Loriana Daley - A human sorcerer who specializes in lightning-based spells.

Dorian Pyro - A dwarf artificer who imbues his creations with fiery enchantments.

Azymondias Sicali - A traveling halfling bard who frequently plays in the Enchanter's Guild's main courtyard.

Tribe Leaders

Axel Rogmesh - Half-Orc barbarian leader of the Highlanders, a tribe made up of mostly barbarians and fighters in the hilly areas north of the Soren Forest. 

Lutz Seawood - An elven ranger who overlooks the Valley-Dwellers, a tribe of druids and a few rangers near the western-most shore in the Deyrollo Lordship.


Ano Alast - A human with a powerful Core capable of letting her move at super speed. She sent Kali Wisteria to the masquerade to uncover the Enchanter's Guild's secrets.

Vinca Mollywauk - Foreign half-elf ranger who originated in the La Dracu Forest in Trifia; currently living in Soren Forest. Gaitey's twin sister.

    Gaitey Mollywauk - Vinca's twin brother and fellow half-elf ranger. Has a frog animal companion named Vine.

    Harlem Quincy - Childhood best friend of DT.

    Kali Wisteria - A mysterious human necromancer who infiltrated a masquerade in order to collect information for the town of Alyi.

    Matsuki M'Baku - An elderly sorcerer whose hand has been mangled by her twin. Only surviving member of her old adventuring party. Hails from Sabaku.

    Hachi M'Baku - A warlock whose hands have been cut off to stop her magical slaughter of her adventuring party. Her twin is Matsuki and they adventured together.

Royal Families


Countess Micheal Nori - Human Countess of Teiboku and Lady of the Nori Lordship. A human swashbuckler known for her underhanded methods.


Lord Maximus Roylott-Deyrollo - Human Lord of Deyrollo Lordship and father to Antonio.

    Delilah Roylott-Deyrollo - Late Lady of Deyrollo and Maximus' wife. Was assassinated by an elven ninja.

    Duke Arthur Roylott-Deyrollo - Next in line to the throne if his siblings do not get married before leadership is passed onto Arthur. 

    James Roylott-Deyrollo - Antonio's younger brother and the youngest male in the Deyrollo Family. 

    Lady Meradith Roylott-Deyrollo - Eldest daughter of Maximus and current Lady of Deyrollo; Will be the Lady until her brothers take the throne.

Kala Roylott-Deyrollo - Youngest child in the Deyrollo Family.


Lord Jing Maejo - Human Lord of Nala and husband of Alcina.

Lady Alcina Maejo-Dimitri - Human Lady of Nala and wife to Jing.


Lord Horjae Mul - Elven Lord of Mul and husband to Nora.

Lady Nora Mul-Ikisan - Elven Lady of Mul and wife to Horjae.


Lady Mulan Anesong-Usuhan -  Half-Orc Lady of Usuhan. 


Lady Valentina Bahivio - Elven Lady of Bahivo.


Lady Donjune Yeol - Kitsunian Lady of Yeol.


Lord Sakashi Vihaan - Elven Lord of Balam and husband to Munan.

Lady Munan Vihaan - Elven Lady of Balam and wife to Sakashi.

Duchess Aya Vihaan - Elven Duchess of Balam. The Lord and Lady's first daughter.

Chiyo Vihaan - Elven daughter and youngest child of the Lord and Lady.


Lord Anthony Youn - Lord of Pyeong-won and brother to Kayla.

Lady Many Youn - Lady of Pyeong-won and sister to Anthony.


Lord Tadashi Hosu - Firbolg Lord of Hosu and Kazuko's brother.

Duke Kazuko Hosu - Duke of Hosu and Tadashi's brother.