
Spriggan are originally humans who were at the site of the goddess Laurie’s magical explosions in Trifia. Landing too close to her battles and feats of magical strength, these people were struck with her divine natural energy and were transformed into these plant kin. Now these cursed people wander the kingdom with no memory of their past lives, creating traveling clans of people in similar situations.

Physical Description: Spriggan are made of either vines or root-like branches in a vaguely humanoid shape. These branches coil up and surround the spriggan's chest, which glows with magical essence. This essence permeates throughout the plant body and allows for free movement and manipulation of limbs. The branches come up into a vague face-like shape, then up into antler-like branches. Spriggan are generally slim and lanky. Their hands are large and pointed, though the branches are often spaced. Spriggan tend to be light tan in color while they glow green, though they can vary in wood color and glowing color depending on their habitat location.

Racial Traits: