Warforged Feats

Adamantine Body: At the cost of mobility, a warforged character’s body can be crafted with a layer of adamantine that provides formidable protective armor and some damage reduction

Prerequisite: Warforged, 1st level only

Benefit: Your armor bonus is increased to +8 and you gain damage reduction 2/adamantine. However, your base land speed is reduced to 20 feet, and you are considered to be wearing heavy armor. You have a +1 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, a -5 penalty on all skill checks that armor check penalties apply to, and an arcane spell failure chance of 35%

Normal: Without this feat, your warforged character has an armor bonus of +2

Special: Unlike most feat, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation. Warforged druids who take this feat cannot cast druid spells or use any of the druid’s supernatural or spell-like class features. Warforged characters with this feat do not gain the benefit of any class feature prohibited to a character wearing heavy armor

Improved Damage Reduction: You gain damage reduction or improve your existing damage reduction

Prerequisite: Warforged

Benefit: You gain damage reduction 1/adamantine or improve your existing damage reduction by 1

Special: If you have the Adamantine Body feat, you can take this feat multiple times

Improved Fortification: You improve your warforged fortification, gaining immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits

Prerequisites: Warforged, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: You gain immunity to sneak attack damage and extra damage from critical hits, but you lose the ability to be healed by spells of the healing subschool

Mithral Body: A warforged character’s body can be crafted with a layer of mitral that provides some protection without hinduring speed or gracefulness

Prerequisites: Warforged, 1st level only

Benefit: Your armor bonus is increased to +5, and you are considered to be wearing light armor. You now have a +5 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, a -2 penalty on all skill checks that armor check penalties apply to, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%

Normal: Without this feat, your warforged character has an armor bonus of +2

Special: Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation. Warforged druids who take this feat cannot cast druid spells or use any of their supernatural or spell-like abilities. Warforged characters with this feat do not gain the benefit of any class feature that prohibits wearing light armor

Mithral Fluidity: Your movements are smoother and more fluid than those of other warforged

Prerequisites: Warforged, Mithral Body

Benefit: The maximum Dexterity bonus a warforged with the Mitheral body feat can apply to Armor Class is increased by 1. In addition, the armor check penalties to skills with armor check penalties is reduced by 1.

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. However, armor check penalties cannot be reduced to less than +0

Psiforged Body: As a warforged, your body can be crafted using trace amounts of psionically resonant deep crystal, providing you with increased psionic power and the ability to store psionic energy in your body. If you take this feat you will be referred to as a psiforged.

Prerequisites: Warforged, 1st level only

Benefit: You gain 1 extra power point at 1st level, regardless of whether you choose a psionic class. As you gain experience, you can attune the crystals infused in your body to the psionic energies of your mind. You can treat your body as a Cognizance Crystal, storing up to 1 power point per character levels(up to a maximum of 11 power points at 20th level), and withdrawing those stored power points at sometime later. For more details on cognizance crystals, see page 167 of the Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Special: Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level during character creation