
The Animelia are a race of humanoids with animal features who originally populated Sanctum before the other races came. Some may only have an extra set of ears or may have so many animal-esque features that they look like a monster. These people frequently face harsh discrimination by the invaders of their planet: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and the like. Many races such as Tabaxi, Leonin, and Kitsune fit into this race.

Personality: Animelia are incredibly kind to the people that wronged them, wanting to peacefully assimilate into their new towns and cities. These people have learned to be clever enough to dodge their invaders for decades, staying away from their cities until recently. The new Empress in Trifia that had risen to power five years ago is an Animelia with a dragon tail, which brought a new age of acceptance to the world as they saw her regal presence and sense of familiarity with her subjects. Animelia saw this win for their rights in this civilization and got what they wanted: a new home among their “invaders.”

Physical Description: Animelia are around 5’ - 7’ tall and range from 100 - 140 pounds, with not much difference between the males and females. They usually have sharp eyes and longer legs that make them look slightly out of proportion, much like a Changeling. Animelia can come in all shapes and forms, with features ranging from mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, insects, and more. Someone may have a set of lizard’s scales, a cheetah’s tail and spots, or bat wings. Because of this variety of animals that can show through in this race, it can be hard to decide what is an Animelia and what is not

Relations: Animelia try their best to have strong relations with other races, but their heritage can make it incredibly difficult. They have the best relationships with Humans because they were the first race to really let these people into their cities.

Alignment: Just like humans, Animelia can vary vastly on the alignment chart. Some may be lawful, some chaotic, some good or evil. Most tend to be good but live with the tide, which is a chaotic trait. 

Animelia Lands: Animelia are found in all five kingdoms, with their animal traits corresponding to the location. Creatures found in dense forests are commonly found in Trifia, arctic Animelia are in Arcoti, creatures from deserts and savannas are in Sabaku, and the amphibious people in Teikoku’s swamps. 

Language: Animelia quickly learned to speak Common, which allows them to communicate easily among humans and members of all other races. They often learn as many other languages as they can to strengthen relations. 

Subtypes: These are the subtypes available to you as a player. 

Mammalian Animelia: This animelia subtype encapsulates canines, felines, ursines, cervines, equines and any other animal that qualifies as a mammal. This is the most common subtype in Trifia and Arcoti but can be easily found in all five kingdoms. 

Commonly you will encounter a man with a dog's tail and teeth, a woman with a pair of cat ears on her head, or a man with a bear's claws. These people have many different body types and anatomies so there is much variety in the physical descriptions of Mammalian Animelia. Kitsune, Tabaxi, Centaurs, and Satyrs are considered Mammalian Animelia. Shifters and Lycanthropes, however, are not. 

Reptilian Animelia: This subtype includes lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles, and more. These people are more commonly found in Sabaku for the hot, arid deserts, but can be found anywhere in the world except Arcoti. 

Features such as a lizard's scales, a crocodile tail, or a snake's venomous fangs appear in this subtype. These people usually have sharper, lankier figures as well which make them slightly easier to spot than the mammalian Animelia. Lizardfolk and Yuan-ti commonly are linked to this Animelia subtype.

Amphibious/Aquatic Animelia: This subtype includes aquatic wildlife such as fish and whales, plus amphibians such as frogs, salamanders, newts, and more. This subtype mostly resides in Teiboku for its swamps. Other than that, they can be found around the warmer sea shores of Trifia and Tez. They are not found in Arcoti.

A venomous frog's skin, the gills of a freshwater fish, and an orca's black and white body markings can be found in this subtype. These people tend to have more strength and brawn in their watery homelands, so their swim speeds are unmatched by most other races. Grungs, Locathah, and Triton are all considered Aquatic Animelia.

Avian Animelia: The Avian subtype covers most airborn creatures. Songbirds, raptors, and all other birds are in this subtype. These Animelia can be found in all five kingdoms and live in their forests, commonly becoming sworn guardians of Trifia's sacred lands by taking up arms as a ranger or druid.

A man with crow's feet, a woman with feathers on her shoulders and back, or another girl with an eagle's wings and tail - all of these are examples of Avian Animelia you may encounter. These people tend to be thin, petite, and incredibly graceful. They are born for the skies and - as they do not care for staying in the mold of society like their other Animelia brethren - tend to lean towards more chaotic alignments rather than lawful ones. Aarakocra and Kenku are the most common Avian Animelia.

Insectile Animelia: Butterflies, praying mantises, and bees - all of these insects and certain arachnids can be found in this subtype. These Animelia usually only reside in Trifia and Teiboku, but on rare occasions you can find some in Sabaku as well. 

A spider's spinnerets in the palm of a woman's hands, a young boy with a butterfly's beautiful wings, or a man with wasp's antenna are all people you may encounter that are a part of this subtype. Dromites and Thri-kreen can sometimes be considered Insectile Animelia but some do not consider these people part of the Animelia because of their lower intelligence.

Building an Animelia Character: Animelia are incredibly versatile in that the race encapsulates nearly every animal conceivable. However, these characters must fit within the confines of a tabletop game, so there are outlines to creating one. You may use the statblocks below to create an Animelia of any subtype, or you can pick up Animelia Feats to build your character and their skills at first level. Along with those feats, there are Physiologies - Feats taken at first level that let you build a character from an existing race such as a tabaxi or aaracockra. Whichever you choose must be run by your game master to judge the balance of the character.

Mammalian Racial Traits:

Reptilian Racial Traits:

Aquatic/Amphibious Racial Traits:

Avian Racial Traits:

Insectile Racial Traits: