FAQs - Which bin will this go in?

We present to here some of the Frequently Asked Questions on the doubtful items...

Which bin will this go in...


While coconut fiber in small quantities can go into the Green bin, coconut shells go into the Blue bin.

Spoilt Coconut

if the coconut can still be separated from its shell, the spoilt portion can be put in the green bin and the shell can be washed and put in the Blue bin. If not, the coconut can be put in the Green bin as a whole and once the contents turn into compost, the shell can be taken out and put in the Blue bin.

Water filters

Since these contain chemicals, they must go into the Red bin.


Since all batteries and electronic items are part of e-waste, please hold on to it and dispose it of at your nearest e-waste collection centre.

Broken glass bottles

Please wrap broken glass bottles in newspapers and dispose it of in the Blue bin. for unbroken glasses, please fill them up with newspaper so that they do not break in the process of transportation. All sharp metal objects like tin lids of sweet boxes must also be wrapped carefully in the newspaper before disposing.

Hair, nail and house dust

House dust can contain sharp objects, they must thus go into the Red bin. Hair and nail, though can compose, does not compose at the same rate as the other contents of the green bin, it must thus go into the Red bin.

Vessels scrubber

Vessels scrubber are recyclable and this can be part of the Blue bin.

Tissue paper

In smaller quantities, tissue paper can be put in the Green bin. In larger quantities, it should be part of the Red bin.