Doing it right with Domestic help

As a group of passionate volunteers - Mr.Sridharan, Ms.Janani and team ROKA got together, focus was to propagate the idea of source segregation among all the residents of Kasturba Nagar. How do we do that?

Waste Segregation is a chicken and egg story - who takes responsibility of it in a house - the residents or the maid/domestic help? Invariably, in all the houses, garbage was handled/disposed of by the maids/domestic help. What if we targeted the maids and other household help in understanding what segregation is and why it is essential?

It was with this idea that an event for domestic help was conceived in July 2018.

On 7th July 7 2018, all domestic help (maids, security personnel etc) were called for an awareness session on the different types of waste and what waste goes into what bin. Contests were conducted too for them on it, where they did exceptionally!

With this done, it was now up to the residents to start segregating at home and hand over only segregated waste to their maids for its disposal. On the part of the maids/domestic help, we hoped that they would ensure segregation at the homes that they helped.