Project Overview

This term you will undertake a group project that will provide you with hands-on experience using the User-Centered Design Process. You will produce a report in 4 parts: requirement gathering, ideation, prototyping, and evaluation

Each project group will be graded as a team, that is, each person receives the same grade. The team members will be polled to make sure that all members are contributing. Additionally, each member is responsible for including all relevant class assignments and homework assignments for each submission for (Parts 1-4). Lack of contribution, as evidenced by team polling or missing assignments/homework, will result in an individual team-members grade reduction.  For due dates, refer to the class syllabus. 

Note that if you miss class assignments you are STILL responsible for submitting the relevant assignments. This is imperative, since many of the project report deliverables require all team members to share work that is based on class assignments.

Logistics: Team Portfolio 

Each team will have a Team Page on Canvas. This will serves as the repository for the Project Reports. 

Each part of the project will include a set of deliverables, which will be uploaded into the Team's Canvas Page. These must be pdfs (no google docs). 

The format of the individual Parts (1-4) is up to the team, but it should be professionally prepared, expressive, grammatically sound, illustrative of your efforts and process, and easy to view and understand. A good design effort can easily be hampered by a poor communication of what was done.

Contents for the Project Report Portfolio include:

Part 0  Design Context

Part 1         Requirements Gathering: Understanding the Design Space  

Part 2    Ideation       

Part 3          Prototyping (and Evaluation Design)

Part 4           Evaluation Report