Expedition Log (E-Log)

In lieu of experiments, you may take an intellectual expedition. Each one counts for ONE HOUR of time so this amount of effort should be reflected in the quality of your submission. You will be asked to write about something new that you learned or how themes from this course have played out in other courses or your life. The purpose of the E-LOG is to encourage you to delve into content and reflect on how what you are learning is relevant to you.

E-LOGs can take many forms. For example, you may choose to analyze material you gathered from a Google or psych info search or research finding/news covered in the press, or simply provide a commentary on how different themes in this class are related to other academic materials or personal experiences. Note that it is not enough for you to report or summarize what you read; you must provide some explanation or interpretation (compare/contrast) based on the material from class AND a reflection based on your perspective.


This assignment should be completed using the basic principles of essay writing. Consider the criteria in the rubric as points that must be included in your essay. In other words, don’t write an E-LOG simply following the rubric below.

Details:1.5 pages minimum, excluding title page/rubric (Page 2)

Be careful that you do not plagiarize—even unwittingly doing so will cancel out credit for this E-LOG—ignorance is no excuse

  • No credit for late submissions

  • Each is DUE the Tuesday following the relevant chapter quiz (in other words you can’t wait till the end of term to turn them in).

  • Max 6 are accepted.

  • E-LOGs for presentations/lectures are due ONE WEEK after the event


Special ELOG- You can submit an E-Log for each 2 episodes (1&2, 3&4, etc). Students must relate each E-Log to material from a given chapter of the Text book)

NAME_____________________________ Class Number_______ Chapter___________

ELOG (40 points)





What is the topic you will write about; why did you choose this topic (2pts); provide a relevant roadmap to what will be covered in the e-log. (3)

BODY (20 points)


Provide a summary of your expedition (podcast, TED talk, etc (5)) also a reference (link to it)

Define all relevant terms (5)

2.Class Concepts (10 points)

Should be defined,

should be contextualized (i.e., what is the broader research area that they come from.

don’t just define and summarize terms, make clear extrapolations to concepts from class

how many concepts? It depends, it could be that the student take 1 concept and explores it deeply or that the students covers various topics more superficially.

Conclusion (5pts)

reflect on your expedition


Is this well written and easy to understand – may lose points for incoherence, grammatical errors, etc re

PS If you WOW the reader, you can get extra points