Part 2 


Design alternatives 20%

DUE: Sunday 3/10 by 11:59 pm on Canvas and on the   Team Page

As with other reports, it is imperative to show that you can 

apply the concepts from lecture notes and class activities

Tabular Rubric

The key goal of part 2 of the project is to use the knowledge gained in part 1, as well as that from class, to develop a set of three design alternatives for your problem. These multiple design alternatives should explore the potential design space for the problem. The more different they are from one another, the better. A second goal of this project is to show that you can incorporate the requirements from Part 1 and provide data that compares/contrasts the three prototypes.

In this part of the project you will develop scenarios and storyboards of your interface designs. That is, you should provide pencil-and-paper or electronic images of the interface at various stages of use; you do not need to build a working prototype. Your design sketches should be sufficiently detailed for a potential user to provide useful feedback about the design, however. Along with your design mock-ups, you should provide a brief narrative walk-through of how the system will work. Perhaps most importantly, you should also include your justifications for why design decisions were made, and what you consider to be the relative strengths and weaknesses of your different designs.

The design process you follow in this part of the project is important. The group should work together to create design alternatives. This is how a good, creative design process works. You should seek to create some fundamentally different design ideas, concepts all over the potential design space for the problem you have chosen. There should be evidence in your report that this process was SYSTEMATIC and ITERATIVE.

Make sure that your report adequately reflects the design process that your group undertook to come up with three different interface alternatives

Follow the  Rubric to optimize your final report and the grade your team earns :)