

Extra Credit

Toward final grade


In lieu of experiments, you may take an intellectual expedition. Each one counts for ONE HOUR of time so this amount of effort should be reflected in the quality of your submission. You will be asked to write about something new that you learned or how themes from this course have played out in other courses or your life. The purpose of the ELOG is to encourage you to delve into content and reflect on how what you are learning is relevant to you.

  • Max 6 ELOGS are accepted. Each is DUE the Tuesday following the relevant chapter quiz (in other words you can’t wait till the end of term to turn them in).

  • ELOGS for presentations/lectures are due ONE WEEK after the event

  • No late ELOGs are accepted

Ask your professors about books that qualify for the 3 ELOG Option!

Class Participation

Habitual late attendance (5 minutes or more) will count as an absence. Points will also be deducted for lack of class preparedness as noted in this syllabus. 3 instances of being late to class or unprepared when the professor calls on you will count as 1 absence.

Missed Exams

You will be allowed to take an exam only if you have an “excusable absence”

Excusable absences are limited to GT sanctioned events, medical treatment, and death in the family. There is a buffer (3 free absences) included in the absence policy for all the other reasons why students don’t come to class (not feeling well, interviews, etc.). Manufacturing a false excuse is a violation of the Honor Code. All excused absences must be cleared through the Office of the Dean of Students. Students are responsible for getting lecture notes from a classmate.

Each student is responsible for signing the attendance sheet; no individual can sign in for another student. Doing so is a violation of the student code of conduct. As such it will be reported to the Dean of Students.

Student Code of Conduct: Academic Integrity

Georgia Tech requires students to adhere to high standards of integrity in their academic work. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. All breaches of academic integrity are taken seriously. ALL assignments, quizzes, and exams are assumed to be your INDIVIDUAL effort. All papers/material submitted to this class must be original to THIS class, not something submitted to another class and reformatted to meet this course’s requirements. Reformatting a previous/concurrent paper to fit the current specifications is academic dishonesty and, as such, a violation of the honor code. See for details. IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE. WHEN IN “DOUBT”---DON’T.

“All suspected breaches of academic integrity will be reported to the Office of Student Integrity and may result in an “F” in this class.”

As an example of identifying source materials, this syllabus and this course are heavily influenced by the material prepared by Prof. Ron Fergusson, Prof. Alexander Petrov, Prof. Paul Thagard, Brian Scholl and Dr. Maithlee Kunda (I am grateful for their insights and digital guidance). The documents distributed for this course and the overheads presented will be based on materials from the course textbook.