Part 2 Rubric


See PART 2 Description for IMPORTANT Details

Table Form of the Rubric

Report Due March 21, 11:59pm on Canvas and Teams Page

Poster Session:March 22, 9:30-10:20 on Gatherly

REPORT (Poster information is below)

Project Description and Requirements Summary: ( /10) Write an updated one paragraph description of your project.

· Discuss the general area of application, intended tasks it will support and the intended user population. One paragraph, really.

· Then in one page, summarize the key requirements for your system. Include both functional and non-functional requirements.

Design Space: (/5) Describe the design space of the potential interfaces for your system.

What requirements may be difficult to realize? What are some tradeoffs that you should explore? How could your interface support some tasks easier than others? Describe the design alternatives that you considered exploring and then give a brief description and justification of the three (or more) alternatives that you did explore. (Don’t go into detail, you do that below)

Prototype Presentation ( /20 points per design (60 total)) Present at least three interface designs (prototypes) illustrating some portion of your product. With each design you should include:

· A rationale for this design choice. Including how the choice reflects data collected for Report 1 (this may require that you provide an appendix with a data summary and/or the entire questionnaire).

· Illustrations of the design (sketches, storyboards ...)

· At least one scenario from an end-user's perspective. Scenarios should show end-to-end use of the system as well as explore potential interaction breakdowns.

Design Assessment ( /10):

· List your usability criteria and measurement goals (from Report 1) and compare your three prototypes against those criteria.

o A table comparing the three designs on as many criteria as you can develop.

· If you include criteria or goals that were not from Report 1 be sure to include your rationale.

Summary/Reflection ( /5) A summary of your modifications to your requirements specification and your usability criteria. A reflection on your process for creating and assessing the prototypes.

Poster Session

poster dimensions: 2'height x3' long (or around there-- this is related to the poster printer)

( /10) Will take into account a variety of issues, including: how prepared the team was to demonstrate their preliminary design space exploration.

· Do they have a clear and succinct description of the purpose for their project (as indicated by the 60-second overview at the beginning of the poster session)?

· Have they been successful at describing the wide variety of prototypes they are considering?

· Are they able to articulate how EACH design reflects the richness of the TEAM or does it look as if one person was in charge of each design alternative?