Part 1 Rubric


See PART 1 Description for IMPORTANT Details

Due 2/25 11:59pm on Canvas and Teams Page

The main goal of this report is to show that you can 

apply the concepts from lecture notes and class activities


5 points: Description of Design Context. Think of this as an updated Part 0. What is are the People/Places/Activities you are exploring




15 points: A brief description and justification of the methodology. This includes a discussion of the techniques used to gather information and their effectiveness. It should also summarize the results from any studies you conducted (quantitative or qualitative). Are there limitations to the data you collected? What is an alternative (5)?


10 points: A description of the important characteristics of the primary users (5), including other stakeholders (5).


10 points: An affinity diagram and explanation


10 points: At least TWO detailed PERSONAS that highlight the important CURRENT People/Places/Task characteristics (5 each). Remember that this is based on the data you collected it is not "made up." in other words, some of the evidence should be in other parts of the report.



10 points: An analysis of TWO existing systems; including a discussion of the constraints (functional, non functional analyses, 5 points each)


10 points: A task analysis from an EXISTING SYSTEM consisting of a description of the important characteristics of the tasks performed by users in context (5). A simple structured task analysis or some other appropriate diagram or description of the task structures (5) .


10 points: An initial list of usability criteria and utility criteria (how will you measure that your system is useful)



10 points: A discussion of the implications of what you learned above.

What are limitations of the methodology you used or the way you carried out the "study." What could you have done better? Is there adequate synthesis of data analyzed that leads toward advice for any solutions to build in Part 2 of this project. This will be evidence by making references to the studio logs or class assignments. This is the ONE place in this report where you can start to speculate about future designs.

10 points: Presentation, Cohesiveness, Grammar, Clarity


These are things that we have noticed while working with past teams and reviewing in-progress reports. 

Reflect on the Report: Have you demonstrated that you have internalized concepts from class and studio? Are using those concepts in a thoughtful way to investigate your problem space? We recommend discussing each of the concepts above as a team. It's very important that everyone is aligned on these items.