Presentation Spring 2020

Make your presentation

Powder Keg a Revolutionary War Card Game Presentation Spring 20

Edit this Presentation with your work.

Add Slides as needed - change out the art as needed.

See the following example slide show:

Powder Keg a Revolutionary War Card Game Presentation Fall18

We will be presenting to the Pro Studio Team that Bill Fischer teaches on the last day of class.

We will be doing this as a large Zoom meeting.

Please prepare a google slide show:

  1. Summarize the larger scope of the project (educational - for what audience)
  2. Summarize your goals for the game - (playability)
  3. Show play testing with Photos of early in semester
  4. Show final layouts with only some of your process
      • Tory Cards
      • Whig Cards
  5. Show Design:
      • Graphic Design Solutions
      • Booklet
      • Box Art Change
      • Curriculum Design
  6. Share Style Guides: how you matched them