Powder Keg a Revolutionary War Card Game Presentation Spring 20

Spring 2020 Presentation


Final Presentation: 5/7/2020

A Historical Trading Card Game (TCG)

Name: Powder Keg: A Revolutionary War Game

Audience: Middle School Students

See the Game in its prototyped published form on the Game Crafter

Revolution Card Game Collaboration

  • A game whose mechanics are loosely based on the Pokemon battle game.
  • Museum School Students researched and wrote creative character descriptions for each of the cards which was integrated into the Curriculum.
  • 3 History Professors from GVSU and Calvin fact checked the history content and were involved in the content creation.
  • KCAD students Illustrated the Cards.
  • KCAD students created mock-ups and test/develop the game play.
  • OST helped develop the gameplay.

Collaboration Between Museum School and KCAD Students

180 Musees & 70 D.A.D. students

Revolution Card Game: Museum School Students researched and wrote creative character descriptions for a History Card Game about the American Revolution in collaboration with History Professors from GVSU and Calvin and D.A.D. students from KCAD who created the prototype for the game.

Museum School engaged about 60 students for 12-15 weeks (8th grade) each semester. KCAD would need created a design brief, presented the project, ideated with MS students, assessed MS students research and designs and vice-versa.

Example Past Collaborative Project: Amplify: Journey To Mars

Example Past Game: Miner Madness (external link) - Dig into Code Theory

new Card Set Spring 2020:

Older Version BZ - This is what was published on Game Crafter

See the Deck on your phone or larger (links to an external site)

Instruction Booklet Spring 2020

Version W

Intro Animation Spring 2019


Animation: Kendra Nienhuis, Marisa Rivard, Alexis Kole Card Art: Crispus Attucks by Piper Adonya, George Roger Clark by Krystal Hertlein, Margaret Shippen by Holly Galvin, Joseph Brant by Sarah Puett, Benedict Arnold by Joseph Mead Lead Sound Designer: Maddy CourtSound: Wyatt Anderson, Luke Cleveland, Kyleigh Daniels, Marissa Drew, Emily Grush, Alexis Mauricio, Megan Pohl, Evan Polosky, Sarah Ray, Josh Roberts, Caitlyn TimreckVocals: Crispus Attucks: Nolan Bailey, George Rogers Clark: Sean Fuller, Margaret Shippen: Maddy Court, Joseph Brant: Jeffrey Gillett, Benedict Arnold: Charlie Poquette, Female Narrator: Elizabeth Woodman, Male Narrator: Dylan KellyProducers: Susan Bonner, Bill Fischer, Mike Dollar Game Play: Andrew Powell, Nathan Loding, Kendra Nienhuis, Marisa Rivard, Alexis Kole, YeungFan Lau, Alysia SchmidtHistorical: Stephen Staggs, Daniel Miller, Gabriele Gottlieb, Waylon WilsonCurriculum: Kim Rowland, Micah Herrboldt, Julie Freeman, Lindsay Lane

PowderKeg! Instruction VIdeo Fall 2019

Presentation Fall 2018

Powder Keg a Revolutionary War Card Game Presentation Fall18

Presentation Spring 2019

Spring19Powder Keg a Revolutionary War Card Game Presentation