Character - Allied

examples of how to propose


Museum School Presentations Here - they can be found on the Google Drive

For Spring 2020 we will be communicating like this on Canvas.

3 concepts for each card:

  • with good communication lines


By Hanna Al-Shaer

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant)


Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

Joseph Brant pointing and leading troops into war

by Sarah

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

Colored Flats - Card is a gray/brown color with a textured background.

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

More advanced shading and rendering to the background.

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

More advanced rendering. Changes were made to the card's text and a shawl and ornaments were sketched onto Brant's design.

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card with extra character tilt.

By Sarah

Clothed - V1

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

Joseph Brant standing behind a tree, pointing and leading troops into war

by Sarah

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

Partial Shading - Card is brown with a textured background, with added shading as the character itself is rendered.

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

More advanced rendering and more complete card design.

User feedback:

African American Middle School student noted he looked like he was in battle, that he looked angry, and that he was in proper dress.

17-year old African American high school friend said she thought he looked like he was in battle and that the value tokens looked like "power".

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

Clothed - V1

Musees thought this clothing style appeared "too colonial" when shown Clothed v2.

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

Joseph Brant sneaking across battlefield

by Sarah

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

Partial Shading - Card is brown with a textured background, with added shading as the character itself is rendered more fully.

Notes from meeting with Andrew:

Value needs a symbol - for all cards

add one specific detail to description

From Susan 2/10/18

  • adding one of the British Silver U shaped emblems will connect him with the British more.
  • Background could use more work -to bring more attention to the character.

From Susan 2/19/18

  • See the Diversity Page for some user testing feedback.
  • When we go to the Public Museum you can see some Native American Clothing and a Gordet that was similar to what Thayendanegea wore.
  • The Tory Symbol could use a highlight so that it can pop out on any background.

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card

By Sarah

Clothed - V2

Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) Standard Character Card with extra character tilt.

By Sarah

Clothed - V2

King George III


King George III - Standard Character Card by Alex Sophabmisay

King George was a politically unexperienced leader, so here he looks cheeky and lounges in the throne.

King George III - Standard Character Card by Alex Sophabmisay

King George expected obedience and wanted respect, so here is stands with a coy smile looking expectant.

King George III - Standard Character Card by Alex Sophabmisay

King George was very determined and hard headed in his goals. He sits on the British Throne, with his crown and scepter showcasing his royalty.

King George III - Standard Character Card by Alex Sophabmisay

The self-righteous, sly, King George III sits on the throne playing a game. The revolution is the kings game and he plays to win.

King George III - Standard Character Card by Alex Sophabmisay

Stubborn and powerful, King George III plans his next move to control the colonies.

King George III - Standard Character Card by Alex Sophabmisay

Cocky, and controlling, King George III sits on the throne looking at down at his inferiors.

Comments on King George for Alex - 2/8/18 - by Susan

What adjectives do we want to use for King George? How can we get the player to want to play him or George? Remember to be neutral. Not making fun - I think you are there with most of these.

On 2 and 3 if you lower the camera angle he will be more powerful. I like 3 the best right now - let's ask Andrew.

Andrew - placing him leaning way forward

a way to show him active in decisions

see Captain kirk pose

User Testing

the musees liked the chess board piece

They felt it made him look sinister and included the player

They agreed that since he was really pompous, he should be dressed in really out-there clothes, rather than a more simple style.

King George III

Flats have been laid down and some preliminary painting has begun.

The crown will added later once it has been confirmed through research.

King George III

Final Painting for King George

By: Alex Sophabmisay

Susan Comment 3/22

Nice Start on the face - his eyes may have to be slightly larger to be on style- perhaps it is the pupils - something to try.

John Murray

1 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Front view of John Murray facing forward and declaring freedom to all slaves who side with the crown.

4 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

A variation of the side view facing left. Pushed John Murray further back in the composition and added cheering hands in the foreground.

2- John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Side view of John Murray facing to the right and declaring freedom to all slaves who side with the crown.

5 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

A variation of the side view facing left. Similar to the previous variation but John is pushed back less. His hand holding the paper is bending inwards more.

The Cheering hands are re-scaled to be bigger.

3 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Side view of John Murray facing to the left and declaring freedom to all slaves who side with the crown.

5 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Laid down some flat colors for the illustration.

Moved the cheering hands closer to the center to avoid potential cropping.

5 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Added a Plaid Pattern to his clothing.

Added addition colors to his skin, clothes and paper.

5 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Colored in the rest of John Murray, added text to the paper he's holding.

Added a blur effect on the raised hands. and Cloudy Background.

5 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Adjusted the clouds and darkened the inner layer of the red plaid.

5 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Strengthened existing highlights, added highlights to the cheering hands.

Lightened the clouds.

5 - John Murray - Standard Character - By Denny Bui

Added additional shading to the face and hat for additional contrast.

Pushed some light tones on the raised hands. And Added slight dirt marks on them to make them slightly dirtier.

From Susan 3/20/18

For John Murray these are very good, I recommend doing # 3 because it is the strongest view of a hero pose but with the people from 1 or 2 which tell the story. So try both the extra characters in 2 new versions.

You may have to bring him in a bit since it looks like the freedom paper gets cut on the left.

From Susan 3/22/18

#5 is Good. I feel like his eyes are misdirected in the story. You may need 2 more hand sets on the left or redirect his eye gaze towards one of the people with their hands up. Watch your crop edges - maybe the hand on the left gets cropped off. You are approved to start on this. It really tells the story well.

George Rogers Clark


George Rogers Clark- Standard Character - by Krystal Hertlein

Pose 1: Clark trudging through cold waters/woods. Showcasing his face more than the others, snowing.

George Rogers Clark- Standard Character - by Krystal Hertlein

Refined Sketch with beginning flats.

George Rogers Clark- Standard Character - by Krystal Hertlein

Pose 2: Clark talking to the British at Fort Sackville, convincing them that he has more troops than them.

George Rogers Clark- Standard Character - by Krystal Hertlein

Beginning of painting.

George Rogers Clark- Standard Character - by Krystal Hertlein

Pose 3: Clark standing in the woods in a strong stance, hat covering his face slightly.

George Rogers Clark- Standard Character - by Krystal Hertlein

Continuation of painting and detailing.

Susan Comment 3/20

Go with #1 He seems determined - there seems to be more storytelling of the trudging through treacherous midwest winter.

Susan Comment 3/22

Good - Are his eyes large enough to be on style?- perhaps enlarge slightly The landscape will be nice with the snow whipping through it. Emphasize snow and wind.

John paul jones

Copy of WAR-Event-Battle_of_Saratoga-JosephMead

John Paul Jones - Standard Character - by Joseph Mead

Jones on the main deck with a telescope; sails of the "drake" reflected in the lens.

John Paul Jones - Standard Character - by Joseph Mead

Jones in the cabin studying a naval chart. Night lighting, lantern casts main light on the scene.

John Paul Jones - Standard Character - by Joseph Mead

B - Beginning flats for Jones. Added image of stormy sea for color and lighting reference.

Susan Comment - 3/20/18

Go with #1 because it is more iconic. But watch the anatomy and foreshortening of the arm on the left. Add your research slides above your images.

Susan Comment - 3/22/18

Put your research slides on this page for easy access.

Abigail Adams

WAR-C-AbigailAdams- Natalie, Karla, Nya

1 - Abigale Adams- Standard Character - by Sunny Nozawa

Abigale writing letters, the swirl and fly around her as if the words she is writing carry some sort of magic to them

Abigale Adams- Standard Character - by Sunny Nozawa

4/3 shaded with highlights and effects

just needs final color and contrast tweeks before finished

2 - Abigale Adams- Standard Character - by Sunny Nozawa

Abigale writing passionately letter after letter, the wind carrying her words and wishes

Abigail Adams- Standard Character - by Sunny Nozawa

4/5 final color, text, and description

Abigale Adams- Standard Character - by Sunny Nozawa

3/27 flats

Abigail Adams- Standard Character - by Sunny Nozawa

4/17 post production color alterations

Susan Comment - 3/20/18

I like #1 the best so far, what letters was she known for? What influence did they have? That info should go on the description if relevant to the revolution. Put your research slides on this page for easy access.