
"I taught middle and high school students a LONG time ago and it was refreshing to be reminded of their energy and enthusiasm. I thought the work done by the Kendall students was very creative. It was a bit arresting to see Revolutionary era characters reconfigured like action heroes but when I thought about the traditional images (man on horseback with sword hoisted aloft, man with quill pen poised over a historic document, etc.) I realized they are just as stylized. Both treatments tell us a lot about the times in which the images were produced and bring out different aspects of their subjects. (One can't imagine Crispus Attucks being shown in such an aggressive pose in 1774.) Anyway kudos to your students for their imaginative work and to you for leading the project. Please keep me posted on the progress of the project."

Dr. Daniel Miller, Professor Emeritus, Calvin College History

Art by Piper Fields