intruction Booklet Tracker

Designers: Marissa Drew, Susan Bonner (Spring 2020)

Sarah Puett, Megan Pohl (Previous semesters)

(Spring 2020) Finish instruction booklet


  • Upload final final file
  • Place final file in this Drive Folder
  • Print and assemble for the play-test
  • After each version: Publish for web from InDesign and place on home page


Use the user tests to make the booklet help players understand the gameplay quicker

    1. User Test after each major redesign (likely to be 3 times in one semester)

Redesign in InDesign

    1. with font legibility in mind
    2. using wireframes to layout shapes of pages
    3. using the rules writing guidelines (below)
    4. Max page count = 20
    5. Medium Instruction booklet for a small box at Game Crafter.
      1. Get the Templates from Game Crafter
Old Instruction booklet Fall 2019: Version S
Last Version Instruction Booklet

Version T

Marissa's Notes: I'm planning on working on layout and spacing next, but the text content is all in this version.
Download Susan's comments on the PDF file.It is best to download the file and open in Acrobat to see and comment on Susan's comments.

Newest Version 2020

Version V

Last Version 2020

Version U Feedback by Susan on Google Photos

InDesign Guides

On Game Crafter here is the guide:

Power Towers example of how InDesign is laid out for Booklet

Short cuts: W = work area (to remove the bleeds)

(Fall 2019) Finish instruction booklet

Google Drive for Instruction Booklet

  • Max page count = 20 (if it is currently over 20 pages, it will be adjusted next semester)


Due: Nov 12 - Upload final final file

Due: Nov 26 - Print and assemble for the play-test (Sean)

Due: tbd - Publish for web and place on home page (tbd)

(Fall 2019) Finish instruction video

Google Drive For Instruction Video


Done? Final audio assets (foley, scoring, effects? VO?)

  • Place final versions in this Drive folder

Due Nov. 12 - Mock up motion design layout (screenshot from video or videoclip)

Due Nov. 14 - Final live action video edit Including color correcting and grading)

Due Nov. 21 - video/motion design composite completed, ready for review

Due Nov. 26 - Final Video/Motion Design composite completed

(Fall 2019)

Finish instruction booklet: add credits