Teaching Resources

General Websites

This website is run by the ALTs in Ino Town. It has a ton of resources that the ALTs use in their own classes. There's also a section dedicated to English Boards.

A great source for elementary games and junior high school worksheets! This is is going to be your best friend.

This site is specifically for junior high school. It has great worksheets for different grammar points!

Another great site full of games!

This site is all in Japanese, but it contains a lot of helpful tools from flashcards to worksheets for elementary school, junior high school, AND senior high school! Just choose the level and click on 英語.

This site goes more in-depth with teaching resources. Check it out!

Another great site for JHS. It also has a great Eiken section!


This website has a ton of basic phonics lessons including common sight words and sound patterns.

This site has lessons for phonics taught in pre-school through grade 2. It should be a good base for phonics. There are videos and songs as well, giving a variety of ways to study phonics.

This is a site to teach how to plan a phonics lesson. Access to the lessons are free to teachers, but I'm not sure if we'd qualify. I think you need a school email.

This is a great phonics song for the basic alphabet sounds.

Kochi Core-tan vocabulary

This is the original Core-tan textbook. It has 1200 words that students should learn by the time they complete junior high school.

This is the new Core-tan textbook. It was released in 2020. It has 2500 words which students should learn by the time they complete junior high school.