
If you have a fever or feel unwell, call off of work and stay at home. If you're having troubles communicating with your Boe due to language barriers, don't hesitate to contact the pa team or reach out to Jessica or kristen for language support.

Proper Hand washing

Just washing for 20 seconds isn't going to cut it if you don't have proper technique. You need to get every inch of your hands when washing. Check out this video if you're unsure.

to glove or not to glove

Gloves are great for preventing cross contamination. Especially if you have cuts on your hands that you want to keep covered while grocery shopping, these can be great. But gloves get dirty like hands, so be sure to throw them away and wash your hands afterwards as well as things like your phone and other things you may have touched.

medical masks

Masks are great to help prevent yourself from spreading disease to those around you. If you can't find any masks in stores, maybe you can use some of your quarantine time to make a few yourself. Be sure to change your disposable mask or wash your cloth mask after each use.