Kochi Tourism

Here's a list of different places we recommend you visit in Kochi! Click here for food and click here for festival information.

Featured local events

Kozo is one of the materials used to make traditional Japanese paper, or washi. Ino is famous for washi, but is only able to make it by harvesting this plant every year. And, well, tis the season to harvest kozo. Come help continue the local tradition of paper making by harvesting kozo.

Click the link to check out the website, or email Ayumi at info@kashikiseishi.com for more information.

Reihoku Block

Reihoku block

Check out this awesome spreadsheet full of places and restaurants to visit around our block!

Reihoku Block List of Town Attractions and Restaurants 2019-2020


Campsites, cookouts, and waterfalls. Surround yourself with nature and take a hike. Only accessible by car.

Climb a mountain with chains. One of our block members has climbed this mountain 3 times. While climbing from the base is an option, taking the lift is recommended. It's about ¥2000 round trip.

Enjoy a beautiful view of the sea on the cape. Only accessible by car.

"Built around 1887 and still beloved by the people of Aki today, the Nora Clock Tower sits beside a quiet street in Aki City." - Kochi Guidebook

"This impressive hiking trail is lined with giant, three hundred-year-old cedar trees." - Kochi Guidebook

"This is a reconstruction of the impressionist painter Claude Monet's beloved gardens at Giverny, France. Monet was inspired to produce these gardens during a trip with Renoir around the Mediterranean. Stroll through the grounds and see the scenery that Monet painted." - Kochi Guidebook

"Huge white limestone rocks dot this high-altitude landscape, making a pleasing contrast with the rich green pastures that cover the area." - Kochi Guidebook

Yokonami Skyline Highway

"The Yokonami Peninsula inlet is most beautiful at sunset. In the silence, the mystical scenery stands out from the coastline." - Kochi Guidebook

"You can view Shikoku's highest peak, Mt. Ishizushi, from here. Kamegamori is home to broad fields of bamboo grass, and beautiful, gnarled dead trees stand in contrast to lush beech forests." - Kochi Guidebook

"This 4-kilometer-long complex of caves was formed 175 million years ago. The complex is doubly designated as a Natural monument and a National Historical Site. Along with the regular adventure course, there is a reservations-only adventure course. Accompanied by a guide, you can push into the dark, untouched interior of the cave." - Kochi Guidebook

"As you come out of a tunnel of bush camellias, a 270-degree panorama view meets your eyes. The view from the top of the craggy cliffs is spectacular."

- Kochi Guidebook

"50 minutes by boat from Sukumo City, Okinoshima Island is famous for the optical illusion of its "Snowman Sunsets." Said to be located in the clearest waters in Japan, every year it is packed with holidaymakers."

- Kochi Guidebook

Irino Coastline

"The coast around Irino is lined with broad sandy beaches. T-shirts printed with designs are displayed directly on the beach at the T-shirt Museum, turning the dunes into an art museum." - Kochi Guidebook

Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage Sites In Kochi

For more information about the Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage, check this site out: https://www.japan.travel/en/japan-heritage/shikoku-henro/

No. 24 Hotsumisakiji

Murotomisaki, Muroto City

No. 25 Shinshoji

Murotsu, Muroto City

No. 26 Kongochoji

Moto, Muroto City

No. 27 Konomineji

Tonohama, Yasuda Town

No. 28 Dainichiji

Noichicho Bodaji, Konan City

No. 29 Kokubunji

Kokubu, Nankoku City

No. 30 Zenrakuji

Ikku, Kochi City

No. 31 Chikurinji

Godaisan, Kochi City

No. 32 Zenjibuji

Tochi, Nankoku City

No. 33 Sekkeiji

Nagahama, Kochi City

No. 34 Tanemaji

Harunocho Akiyama, Kochi City

No. 35 Kiyotakiji

Takaokacho, Tosa City

No. 36 Shoryuji

Usacho, Tosa City

No. 37 Iwamotoji

Shigekushicho, Shimanto Town

No. 38 Kongofukuji

Ashizurimisaki, Tosashimizu City

No. 39 Enkoji

Hiratacho, Sukumo City


One of the most popular places to drink on a weekend. There are also many food stalls here.

Walkable from train or tram stations. This is a great place to go to get some shopping done.


Come learn how traditional washi paper is made, and then make some yourself.

Learn about the most famous person from Kochi.

Learn all about the history of Kochi castle, one of the 12 original castles of Japan. Then go up to the castle itself, after!

"An 'obscure museum' using a refurbished closed down elementary school's gym. Filled to the brim with Kaiyodo's collection of fictional characters, figures and plastic models of the past, this museum has lots to see." - Kochi Guidebook

"This museum commemorates the life and work of Ryuichi Yokoyama, the beloved creator of Fuku-chan and one of the pioneers of modern Japanese manga.

- Kochi Guidebook

"At this museum, experience Anpanman's world. Stone statues of Anpanman and friends welcome you at the entrance to the museum." - Kochi Guidebook

"You can learn all about Kochi and its literary history at this museum at the base of Kochi Castle."

- Kochi Guidebook

"The must-sees at the Museum of Art are the oil paintings and woodblock prints of the world-famous Marc Chagall, and the photographs of the photographer Yasuhiro Ishimoto." - Kochi Guidebook

"The Kochi Prefectural Museum of History is built atop Okoyama, the former site of the castle of Motochika Chosokabe, conqueror of Shikoku." - Kochi Guidebook

"Tosa's Freedom and People's Rights Movement played a major role in democratizing modern Japan. With its permanent exhibition of documents, artifacts, models and film clips, the museum presents the movement and Tosa's history in an easy to understand, multifaceted manner." - Kochi Guidebook

"This museum is comprised of two parts: the Dragonfly Museum which holds specimens of 1000 different kinds of dragonfly, and the Fish Museum in which 300 species of freshwater and brackish water fish are bred and kept." - Kochi Guidebook

"Approximately 3000 different plants, mainly wild ones from western Japan that have a connection to Professor Makino, adorn the garden throughout the seasons."

- Kochi Guidebook

"With its 400 million-year old fossils and rocks, primeval forests and many rare flora and fauna, Mount Yokokura is a paradise for geologists and natural scientists."

- Kochi Guidebook


Ever wanted to forge your own knife? Well, now you can! This blacksmith is located near the Shimanto River. The craftsman speaks simple English.