Emergency Kit

Whether you make it or buy it, everyone should have an emergency kit.

Buy a kit

Pre-made emergency kit

You can buy pre-made kits online or at some stores. Even if you buy your kit, be sure to add copies of your important documents and also some money (especially coins).

Make your own kit

The American government provides a list of some things that you should include in your kit. Check that out here.


A bag that will fit everything but still be easy to carry is ideal.

Emergency blanket

Human not included.


You know...for fires.

work gloves

Because you don't want to hurt your pretty little hands.


To see in the dark.


To cut a bi...I mean, for survival reasons.

copies of important documents

Passports, My Number, Banking Information, Birth Certificate, etc.


You never know when you'll need to make a phone call (for example, when your cell phone dies).

water and/or water purifying tablets

Just in case you drink all the water that was supposed to last you 3 days or more. Clean water is also important for hygiene.

And water is heavy, so you may not always be able to carry it with you.

non-perishable food

Calorie Mate is probably the most popular for emergency kits.

Simple first aid kit

Just in case you hurt yourself.

Basic feminine HYGIENE products

Just in case Mother Nature wants to come to you personally on top of the natural disaster.

portable charger

Make sure to charge the actual charger as well. It won't do you any good if you pack a dead portable charger.

Extra clothing

Or just wear the same clothes for days, up to you.

Prescribed medication and glasses

So you can see or whatever.

It's also recommended that in an emergency you prioritize these items. General medications such as pain meds and bandages can be borrowed from others around you. Your prescriptions are held by only you. Please remember to grab these things when evacuating.

sanitary items

Or air dry. Better for the environment. But for real, you could also pack body wipes or a towel.

Plant Handbook

This one may seem out there...but it's good to print off or buy a handbook on Japanese plants. In case of an emergency, you will want to know which plants you can eat, heal with, and use for toilet paper, as well as which plants to avoid.