Stimulus Check

Let's fill out our stimulus check forms. This is the basic form. This is an example of how to fill out the form. Let's go step by step.

Step 1: Name, date, phone

At the top left of this section is the date. The format is in the Japanese year format. Write the date in the format of 令和2年_月_日 where the year "2" goes first, followed by the month (5 for May) and day.

Next, stamp your personal seal next to your name over the ㊞ symbol.

Lastly, add your daytime contact phone number. If you don't speak Japanese, it's also possible to use your work number.

Step 2: Desire

This section of the paper lists your name and your dependents. You each receive the stimulus. Then the total is at the bottom of the page. There are check boxes by each name. It says 希望なし which means "do not wish to (receive the stimulus)." Do not check this box. Basically, don't do anything for this step.

Step 3: Method of payment

This step is important for how you will receive your money.

Option A: transfer money directly into my account.

With this option, there are 2 ways to provide your account number. If your account is registered with the town hall for either water services (水道料)or local taxes (住民税)then you can check the first section and choose one of these accounts.

If not, fill in your bank information below.

Option B: transfer money into a representative's account.

I doubt that people will choose this option, but if you do, please fill out their information here.

Step 4: Verification

There are 2 kinds of verification you'll need to look at in this section.

The first is to verify your identity. You can send in a photocopy of your MyNumber card, your driver's license, your passport, your insurance, your residence card, or another form of identification. It should be in Japanese so that you can be identified easily. Don't send in your English driver's license.

The second is only necessary if you had to fill in your bank account information. Then you'll need to prove that this is your bank account. You can send a photocopy of your bank book or your bank card. Make sure that the bank name, account number, and account holder's name are all displayed.

Filling out the bank account information

1. Fill in your bank name and choose the type of institution. If you have Yucho Bank, fill in the bottom option instead.

2. Fill in the branch name. This can be found on your bank book.

3. Choose "regular" (普通) or temporary (当座) for your account type.

4. Fill in your personal information (account number and name).