what to do

Block procedure

What to do during an Emergency/Drill

Step 1. Email

An emergency/drill email is sent to all of the JETs.

Step 2. safety

If you have been evacuated, get to your evacuation zone immediately. Your safety is priority.

Step 3. blockhead

Contact your Blockhead. In this case, contact the Reihoku Block LINE group or email Alexa. Confirm that 1) you're safe, 2) your current location, and 3) your current condition (Are you hurt?).

Step 4. no response

The Blockhead should respond to each persons message, however if the Blockhead is unable to respond, the Vice Blockhead will respond. And if the Blockhead and the Vice Blockhead are unable to respond, contact the Prefectural Advisors (PAs).

Step 5. Kochi PA's

After all of the members have confirmed their safety, the Blockhead or the Vice Blockhead will send an email to the Kochi PA's who will then contact CLAIR.

Important Terms

This covers natural disasters, accidents, and emergencies. It breaks down how to prepare for each natural disaster, what to say when you need the police, as well as a list of counseling sites towards the end.

Get familiar with the phrases and terms necessary for emergencies. What to say when you need a doctor or you've lost an important item while traveling.

Another great site for when you need to call an ambulance or the fire department.

If You Are Driving

During an earthquake

Don't suddenly reduce your speed, but rather turn your hazards on and slow down to call attention to surrounding vehicles. Stop you car at the left side of the road after checking your surroundings. Stop the engine and wait until the shaking stops. Once the shaking stops, leave the car with the key in the ignition and the doors unlocked, and evacuate to a safe place. The reason you leave your key in the ignition and the door unlocked is so others can move the vehicle (if you're not present) when an emergency vehicle needs to go through.