Natural Disasters

Types of Natural Disasters


Japan doesn't have 4 seasons, it's more like 6 seasons. Fall, Winter, Spring, Rainy Season, Summer, Typhoon Season. Typhoon season unfortunately lasts from June to October.

Link: Typhoon Preparedness


Yes, the earthquakes in Japan can be this strong. Avoid heavy furniture and protect yourself. Click the link below.

Link: Earthquake Preparedness


A tsunami is a large ocean wave caused by an earthquake, a volcanic eruption or an underwater landslide. If a large earthquake hits, be on the look out for a tsunami warning. Always find higher grounds if a tsunami occurs.

Link: Tsunami Preparedness


If you don't know what this is by the link. You might want to get familiar with this.

Link: Nankai

Sources of Information

Gives great updates about typhoons, earthquakes, and other things you should be keeping track of.

Make sure that you're enrolled in the emergency notification service through the Japan Meteorological Agency.

Important Terms

*IMPORTANT* You should know the words for the different natural disasters.