Mental Health

This is often neglected. Please take care of yourself and reach out when needed.

How to find a therapist

"International Mental Health Professionals Japan (IMHPJ) is an interdisciplinary network of individuals and organizations providing mental health care, therapy and related services to the people of the various nationalities living in Japan."

Do you know the difference?


"A qualified doctor who can prescribe psychotropic (psychiatric) medication. Some psychiatrists, referred to as psycho-pharmacologists, offer only prescriptions and medication management; but others also practice psychotherapy."


"As well as offering talking therapy, clinical (i.e. counseling—as opposed to academic, research, occupational, etc.) psychologists have training in psychological testing."

Mental Health Websites

JET offers some mental health support programs and suggests a few others on their website.

JHI gives insight on mental heath support in Japan and offers to help find a service that is right for you.

This website offers a variety of self-help tools.