
Everything you need to make sure you get done in checklist form.


Coming to Japan Checklist

□ complete form 6166 for tax exemption (American)

□ appoint financial liaison via IRS (or similar service in your home country)

□ make copies of all important documents (print a copy for your luggage and keep a copy in your email or on your phone)

□ get an IDP (international driver's permit) if you will be driving in Japan during your first year here

□ buy omiyage (edible is best) such as local cookies, biscuits, crackers, etc. preferably individually packaged (such as mini Rice Krispies treats) - as you'll likely have a decent number of people to hand them out to, smaller and simpler is better. Keep in mind that they shouldn't be expensive, and that it's 100% the thought that counts in this case.

Sample Packing List

□ difficult to find items (strong deodorant, your favorite toothpaste, certain tones of foundation, peanut butter, certain seasonings, etc.)

□ a good suit or two as well as a pair of dress shoes

□ business professional/casual clothing

□ tracksuit (for sports day) and running shoes

□ inside shoes (if your feet are bigger than standard Japanese sizes)

□ wrinkle-resistant shirts (since there aren't many dryers in Japan, these shirts will wear better when you hang dry them - these can also be bought in Japan)

□ enough money to get you started (varies by person and location for what you need as start-up costs, but most Kochi JETs should be good with about ¥100,000-200,000)

After JET

Moving Out Checklist (August or April)

□ write a welcome letter to your successor

□ inform the BoE of your home country contact info and bank account

□ pay final bills and cancel contracts/close accounts

□ calculate the remaining costs and leave that amount of money with your supervisor (it's better to leave too much than not enough - this is one of the reasons why you're giving your bank account info)

□ determine which items you will be leaving for your successor and sell remaining items that you won't take home

□ ship home anything that you won't be taking on the plane

□ clean your apartment (DO NOT leave a dirty apartment for your successor to move into - if you're bad at cleaning, hire a cleaning service)

□ sell car and remaining items which still need to be sold

□ return keys to BoE

□ file for pension return ( and appoint a representative who can speak Japanese

□ express gratitude to coworkers and supervisor(s) (in the form of a letter, words, or gifts)