Discrete phase space, MUBs and Wigner function.

 Speaker:  Isabel Sainz Abascal

                      Research Professor Titular A / Coordinator of the Doctoral degree in physics /Universidad de Guadalajara / Physics Department. 

  Date: 9 November, 2023, 4:00 pm (GMT-6)

 Auditorium Z, CUCEI. YouTube link


In this seminar, we delve into the intricate realm of discrete phase space (DPS) as it pertains to finite-dimensional quantum systems, with a particular focus on its intricate connection to mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) ans discrete Wigner functions. We present a method for constructing a comprehensive set of MUBs for quantum systems composed of n particles, each with a local dimension of p, a prime number. Our approach involves the utilization of sets of non-parallel curves within DPS, such that they intersect at only one point in the DPS. Furthermore, we demonstrate the practicality of constructing Wigner functions through the utilization of MUBs.

In addition, we explore the concept of separability in cases of odd and even local dimensions, shedding light on the universality of quantum states tomography facilitated by the Wigner function, and its intriguing relationship with contextuality.