Year 1

Introduction Statement

Dear Tenure Review Committee Members,

Thank you for taking the time to review my Tenure Portfolio.

I am proud to be a full-time faculty member at Skyline College, and I am excited to share my portfolio. I started my position as Assistant Professor of English on August 12, 2019. In this portfolio, I focus on my teaching and professional development in Fall 2019.

During this time, I've focused mostly on instructional activities including teaching, maintaining extended office hours, and supporting two learning communities–CIPHER Learning Community, which focuses on hip hop education; and Kababayan Leearning Community, which serves Filipino American students. I have been able to support these learning communities, become re-acquainted with Skyline College after working as an adjunct instructor for four years and working elsewhere for two years; and I have been able to collaborate with various departments and programs on campus to serve as a more informed and student-centered educator.

I hope my tenure portfolio reflects my time building student-centered curricula, and how I have thought of the diverse interests and intersections of identities of students at every step of my planning and teaching processes. In addition, I hope that what's clear here is my dedication to my growth as a professor, and towards becoming an adaptable, critical, approachable, and proud teacher.

It's my goal to find and build a niche on campus. I hope to find a program, (learning) community to settle into and teach for a while, and to pursue committee work that will challenge and help me build something highly impactful, long-lasting, and creative.

I look forward to hearing your feedback on this portfolio.


all of the photos in this portfolio were taken by The Learning Commons, or they are stock photos, or photos from my own collection