Zany Applications

of Emerging Technology

Please generate a list of 25 creative and unique applications for [Emerging Technology]. These applications should be unconventional and unexpected, going beyond what experts in the field would typically consider. While practicality is not a requirement, the suggested use cases should appear interesting and intriguing to the average person.

Your response should provide a brief description for each application, highlighting its unique features and potential benefits. Please aim for a diverse range of applications that showcase the versatility and imagination of [Emerging Technology].

Feel free to think outside the box and explore unconventional ideas that would captivate and surprise readers. [Emerging Technology] is ____

Quantum Computing

Here are 25 creative and unique applications for Quantum Computing that go beyond conventional uses:


Here are 25 creative and unique applications for Blockchain technology that go beyond conventional uses:

Internet of Things

Here are 25 creative and unique applications for the Internet of Things (IoT) that go beyond conventional uses: