Functional Analysis

Functional analysis is a systematic approach used to understand the functions of a system or a process, breaking it down into its fundamental elements to comprehend how it operates and achieves its objectives. It involves identifying the specific tasks or roles that the system performs and analyzing how these functions interact to accomplish the system's overall goals.

Here's a step-by-step description of how functional analysis is typically conducted:

By systematically analyzing the functions of a system, functional analysis provides valuable insights into how the system operates, where improvements can be made, and how it can better achieve its objectives.

Questions to ask about a Technical System

Functional analysis involves examining the specific functions performed by a technical system and understanding how they contribute to the system's overall operation and goals. Here's a list of questions you might ask when conducting a functional analysis:

By systematically analyzing the functions performed by the system, you can gain a deeper understanding of its purpose and operation, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about design changes or optimizations.