TriSolver Notes

TRIZ Overview

TRIZ was developed by a Russian engineer named Genrich Altshuller in the 1940s and 1950s. Altshuller was interested in understanding why some inventors were more successful than others, and he spent many years studying patents and the work of successful inventors.

Through his research, Altshuller discovered that successful inventors often used similar methods and principles to solve problems and create new inventions. He also discovered that there were common patterns and trends in the way that inventors approached problems and found solutions.

TRIZ is a method for solving complex problems and creating innovative solutions. It is a systematic approach that combines the principles of creativity, engineering, and technology to help people find innovative solutions to problems that may seem unsolvable.

The method consists of the following steps:

TRIZ provides a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving, and it helps people to think creatively and find innovative solutions that they may not have considered otherwise. It is based on the idea that there are common patterns and principles that can be used to solve problems and create innovations, and that these principles can be studied and learned by anyone.

TRIZ is widely used in many industries, including engineering, manufacturing, and technology, and it is considered to be one of the most effective problem-solving methods in the world. It helps people to overcome obstacles and find new and better ways to solve problems, and it is a valuable tool for anyone looking to create new innovations or find solutions to complex problems.


Step 4 in the TRIZ process is the application of TRIZ tools to analyze the problem and find potential solutions. This step involves using the principles and tools of TRIZ to identify the root cause of the problem and generate a list of potential solutions.

The following are some of the most commonly used TRIZ tools in this step:

By using these tools, you can gain a deeper understanding of the problem and find innovative solutions that you may not have considered otherwise. This step is critical to the success of the TRIZ process, as it is where you begin to find potential solutions to the problem.

It is important to note that the tools used in step 4 are not used in isolation, but are combined and applied in a systematic and iterative manner to find the best solution. The goal of this step is to find a creative and innovative solution to the problem that meets the conflicting requirements and satisfies the ideal final result.