Morphological Analysis

Morphological Analysis Overview

Morphological Analysis is a problem-solving and innovation method that was developed by Dr. Fritz Zwicky, a Swiss astronomer and aerodynamicist. The method is based on the idea that problems can be solved by breaking them down into their component parts and examining each part in detail.

Morphological Analysis consists of three main steps:

Morphological Analysis is a powerful method of problem solving and innovation that can be used to generate new ideas and solutions to complex problems. The approach is designed to be flexible and adaptable, and can be applied in a wide range of fields, including engineering, product design, and management. By using Morphological Analysis, individuals and organizations can gain a deeper understanding of complex problems and develop new and innovative solutions that would not be immediately apparent through conventional thinking.

Questions to ask about a Technical System

Morphological analysis is a method used to explore and generate a range of possible solutions or configurations for a complex technical system by systematically combining its various parameters or components. Here's a list of questions you might consider when applying morphological analysis to a technical system:

By asking these questions and systematically exploring the possible combinations of parameters/components, morphological analysis can help identify a wide range of potential solutions for a technical system, facilitating creativity and innovation in problem-solving.