TriSolver Notes

Origin of TRIZ

TRIZ is the internationally acknowledged Russian abbreviation for Teorija Resenija Isobretatelskih Zadac, which can be translated as the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, also shortened to TIPS.

TRIZ was developed between 1960 and 1980 by the Russian scientist Genrich Altshuller (1926-1998) and his staff (first publication in 1956). In contrast to the common "trial and error" problem solving methods such as brainstorming, synectics, morphological analysis etc., TRIZ only relies on the unbiased laws of evolution of technical systems and therefore enables a focussed search for possible solutions. The discovery and structuring of these laws, as well as other TRIZ components, has been the result of the study and analysis of globally available patents over a period of several decades.

In the 1990's, TRIZ technology became very popular, particularly in the USA, and was used by a large number of renowned companies such as General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, Ford Motors, Lockheed, Motorola, Procter & Gamble, Rockwell Int., and Xerox etc. It also gained favour amongst German companies including DaimlerChrysler, Siemens, Mannesmann, Hilti, BMW, Bosch and many others.

Technical Contradictions

What TRIZ essentially does is identify, exaggerate and eliminate technical and physical contradictions in technical systems and processes instead of trying to find a "half-hearted" compromise.

The term "technical contradiction" (TC) - is the key to the TRIZ concept. A TC represents two contradictory properties of a technical system: improving one part or property of a machine (e.g. engine power) automatically changes another property for the worse (e.g. weight or fuel consumption). According to TRIZ, a problem is solved only if a TC is recognized and eliminated. So-called 'habitual blindness', psychological inertia and the all too common tendency to make compromises are all overcome in a logical way. Not only is the scope of the search considerably reduced in size even in the most difficult of cases, TRIZ also opens up completely new ways of thinking.

TRIZ Components

The most important components in TRIZ innovation technology can be summarised in the illustration below. The simpler methods, for example, the 40 inventive principles, can be integrated more easily to be used as active tools but have some restrictions as to their efficiency in solving complex problems. The following Table shows the TRIZ structure and the paths between the individual methods with regard to the different ways of solving technical problems.

The most important components of TRIZ

TRIZ - tools, methods

Patterns of Evolution of Technical Systems

Patterns of evolution of technical system (TS) are at the heart of TRIZ innovation technology. Some of the most important ones are:

Practical applications of these laws are to be found in the various TRIZ tools, in the comprehensive search of solutions and creation of protecting patent fences or in the revealing of the market niches for new products. They are also strategic tools for the analysis of stages in a development and the prediction of the evolution of technical systems.

Principles for the Elimination of Technical Contradictions

40 Inventive Principles

The analysis of several hundred thousand patents led to the conclusion, that inventive problem or technical contradictions from all kinds of technical branches could be solved by a limited number of Procedures (Principles). Modern TRIZ contains 40 basic Inventive Principles (approx. 100 procedures, including the sub-principles).

These 40 Inventive Principles are the best known and the most frequently applied TRIZ tools. They are very successful in solving simple to moderately difficult problems.

The search for solutions with the 40 Principles should be conducted on three system levels: Sub-system - System - Super-system (see diagram).


Principle No. 4 "Asymmetry" is used to find all possible ways of optimising the cutting tool of the electric drilling machine. The thinking process takes place in three directions:

List of the 40 Inventive Principles:

1. Segmentation

2. Extraction

3. Local quality

4. Asymmetry

5. Combining

6. Universality

7. Nesting (Integration)

8. Anti-weight

9. Prior counter-action

10. Prior action

11. Preventative measure (Safety cushion in advance)

12. Equipotentiality

13. Inversion

14. Spheroidality

15. Dynamism

16. Partial or excessive action

17. Shift to another dimension

18. Mechanical vibration

19. Periodic action

20. Continuity of useful action

Frequency of Application: 35,10,1,28,2,15,19,18,32,13,26,3,27,29,34,16,40,24,17,6


21. Skipping (Rushing through)

22. Converting harm into benefit

23. Feedback

24. Mediator

25. Self-service

26. Copying

27. Disposability (Cheap short-living objects)

28. Replacement of the mechanical system

29. Pneumatic or hydraulic constructions

30. Flexible shells or thin films

31. Porous materials

32. Changing colour

33. Homogeneity

34. Rejecting and regenerating parts

35. Transformation of the physical and chemical properties

36. Phase transitions

37. Thermal expansion

38. Strong oxidants

39. Inert environment

40. Composite materials

12 Principles for Business and Management

The 12 double principles for Business and Management assist the user in the resolving of organisational contradictions and conflicts. They broaden the individual experiences and intuition of the manager and above all, help them to quickly formulate several different approaches to difficult situations.

Each principle represents two contradictory lines of action, which have to be taken into consideration when searching for solutions. There is no recommendation as to which action is the more suitable. The user is thus stimulated to think in a dialectic and creative way.

List of the 12 principles for solving organizational tasks in business and management:

1. Combining - Separating

2. Symmetry - Asymmetry

3. Homogeneity - Diversity

4. Expansion - Reduction

5. Mobility - Immovability

6. Consumption - Regeneration

7. Standardisation - Specialisation

8. Action - Reaction

9. Continuous action - Interrupted action

10. Partial action - Excessive action

11. Direct action - Indirect action

12. Prior action - Prior counteraction

Contradiction Table

The application of these principles takes place in a matrix called a Contradiction Table with 39 lines and 39 columns (see Fig.). The 39 engineering input parameters are the most important characteristics of technical systems:

These parameters appear in the table as the properties of a technical contradiction and help to formulate a technical contradiction in a system in standardized terms, for example:

As a result of the analysis of the many hundred thousand patents the table shows the inventive principles which are most likely to resolve the formulated technical contradiction. Even though not all of the cells of the Contradiction Table are filled in, it still gives solution principles for more than 1200 types of technical contradictions, substantially reducing the scope of the search to only the most appropriate solution concepts.

System of 76 Standards for Technical Problem Solving

76 Standards Solutions

The 40 inventive principles and the Contradiction Table are the simplest TRIZ tools. The analysis of more complex tasks revealed that they could only be solved by the simultaneous use of several such principles, together with various physical effects. Such a particularly effective combination of principles and effects forms the system of Standard solutions of inventive tasks.

TRIZ Standards are general laws for the synthesis and transformation of technical systems (TS). They are based on the patterns of evolution of TS. Some of the Standards directly represent the practical application of these laws. The modern system of Standards leads to structured and highly systematic working methods and can further be used to analyse the technical evolution of the systems and produkts. It consists of 76 Standards, which are classified into 5 classes and 18 groups:

Substance-Field Analysis

The Standards operate with abstract models of technical systems, which are easy to build using so-called substance-field analysis. Each technical system can be described in terms of available substances, fields and their interaction. "Substances" are objects or parts of the system regardless of their degree of complexity. The term "field" not only covers the four classical physical fields such as electromagnetic field, gravitational field and the fields of strong and weak nuclear interaction. In TRIZ, the term "field" also includes all other forms of "technical" fields such as the field of temperature, field of centrifugal force, pressure field, the acoustic field, field of smell, etc.

Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving TRIZ

ARIZ Procedures

The algorithm for inventive problems solving (abbr.: ARIZ) is the most universal and powerful step-by-step TRIZ method for the solving of all kinds of problems, starting with the analysis of the problem and the system resources and concluding with the evaluation of all possible solutions. It is normally used if the 40 Inventive Principles or Standards don't provide a satisfactory result. ARIZ helps the user to:

These main procedures in ARIZ will be further demonstrated by an example. The full ARIZ process comprises 9 stages with around 70 steps.

Techniques for Increasing Creativity in TRIZ

Operator DTC "Dimension-Time-Cost"

With this operator, the three parameters of dimension, time (operation time or life span) and the cost of a system or its elements should be mentally varied and rated according to following pattern:


Qualitative changes or variations resulting from such an examination may lead to new solutions or new applications of the system. This method effectively breaks down deep-rooted views of a system and eliminates psychological barriers. Additionally to Dimensions-Time-Cost, other system parameters such as speed, rigidity or force can be varied in a similar way.

Modelling with "Little People"

This psychological method supplements the well-known creativity principle of "empathy", which places the inventor inside the object, allowing him to reflect on his situation and find new solutions.

With the help of the "Little People", the principle of "empathy" could be enhanced. The most important parts and functions of the system must be provided for by a large number of little dwarves. These people can, for instance, conduct electricity, transmit forces or exchange information. They follow our instructions, performing all useful functions in the system and preventing harmful effects. This method mainly helps to "leave beaten tracks" in our understanding of how the system works, thus fighting psychological inertia.

The modelling with "Little People" corresponds to the TRIZ lines of evolution such as segmentation, transition to micro-level and increased controllability. Therefore, this method often leads to very interesting solution concepts.


The body temperature of a ladybird is to be measured using a conventional household thermometer. A relatively large ladybird is now substituted in the model by a group of "ladybird-people", which are closely packed around the thermometer. After performing such a mental exercise, it is easy to quickly come up with the idea of placing the thermometer in a jar full of ladybirds.

Operator "One Step Back from the Ideal Final Result"

This method helps to overcome the psychological barriers when dealing with technical and physical contradictions. An "Ideal Final Result" in TRIZ technology is the goal of the uncompromising search for the solution to the problems of:

In the praxis it is often very difficult to accomplish 100% of the desired effect in a single step. This is why we first go one step back from the ideal final result. By doing so, the tasks can be considerably simplified. In a second step, it should then be analysed as to how the differences between the achieved result and the ideal one can be minimised.

Database of Technological Effects

Many perfect technical solutions are based on the combination of physical, chemical, geometrical and other effects. Many times though, engineers do not have a reliable link between the practical task and physics. This shortcoming is solved with the TRIZ database of effects.

For each desired action or operation, which is demanded by a physical contradiction, there is a list of corresponding effects and practical examples as illustrated in the table below. Almost every effect in the database has an input and output cell, naming the effect and the result that can be achieved by applying it, e.g. thermo-mechanical effect or mechanical-electrical effects. This allows the combination of different effects to solve complex tasks.

Fragment of the database of physical effects

Desired Effect