SCAMPER Overview

SCAMPER is a creative problem-solving technique that can be used to generate new ideas and solutions. The acronym stands for the following seven categories of modifications:

SCAMPER provides a structured approach to innovation and can be used in a variety of industries and contexts. By focusing on specific modifications, it helps individuals and organizations generate new ideas and solutions that they may not have considered otherwise. The technique is designed to encourage out-of-the-box thinking and to challenge assumptions about what is possible.

Initial prompt describing the background and the goal. Identify the [object to be improved].


S.  Described how we can replace the [object to be improved] it with something else.

C.  Described how we can combine the [object to be improved] with another element or component.

A.  Described how we can adapt the [object to be improved] for a different use or user.

M.  Described how we can change the size, shape, color, texture or other physical aspect of the [object to be improved].

P.  Described how the [object to be improved] can be used in a different way.

E.  Described how we can eliminate the [object to be improved] and still retain the purpose and benefit of the original [object to be improved].

R.  Described how we can use or apply the [object to be improved] in a different way?


S.  For each element or component of the [object to be improved], described how we can replace it with something else.

C.  For each element or component of the [object to be improved], described how we can combine it with another element or component.

A.  For each element or component of the [object to be improved], described how we can adapt it for a different use or user

M.  For each element or component of the [object to be improved], described how we can change the size, shape, color, texture or other physical aspect the element or component.

P.  For each element or component of the [object to be improved], described how we can use it in a different way.

E.  For each element or component of the [object to be improved], described how we can eliminate it without negatively impacting the [object to be improved] in use, performance or efficiency.

R.  For each element or component of the [object to be improved], described how we can use it in a different way.


EXAMPLE: I want to improve the performance of the standard design bicycle.

    Types of Improvement (TOI) for Mechanical Systems: