Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ASIT)

ASIT Overview

ASIT (Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving) and SIT (Systematic Inventive Thinking) are both methods of innovation and problem solving that were developed in Israel.

ASIT is a more structured and systematic approach to innovation that is based on a set of specific rules and procedures. The approach consists of a series of algorithms, or step-by-step processes, that are designed to guide individuals and organizations through the innovation process.

SIT, on the other hand, is a more flexible and adaptable approach that is based on a set of principles and methods. The approach is designed to encourage creative and innovative thinking, and provides a variety of tools and techniques that can be used to generate new ideas and solutions to problems.

In summary, the key difference between ASIT and SIT is that ASIT is a more structured and systematic approach to innovation, while SIT is a more flexible and adaptable approach that places a greater emphasis on creative and innovative thinking. The choice of which approach to use will depend on the specific problem that needs to be solved, the goals and objectives of the individuals or organizations involved, and the resources and constraints that are available.

The Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ASIT) is a structured and systematic method of innovation and problem solving that was developed in Israel. ASIT is based on the idea that innovation can be taught and that creativity can be enhanced through the deliberate application of specific techniques and methods.

ASIT consists of a series of algorithms, or step-by-step processes, that are designed to guide individuals and organizations through the innovation process. The algorithms are designed to be flexible and adaptable, and can be applied to a wide range of problems and systems.

The key steps of ASIT are:

ASIT is designed to be a structured and systematic approach to innovation that can help individuals and organizations generate new and innovative solutions to complex problems. By using ASIT, individuals and organizations can drive innovation more effectively and efficiently than they would be able to through conventional problem-solving methods.

Questions to ask about a Technical System

The Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is a systematic approach for solving inventive problems and generating innovative solutions. It consists of several key elements or principles that guide the problem-solving process. Here are five questions for each element of TRIZ that can be applied to a technical system:

By asking these questions and following the steps of the TRIZ methodology, you can systematically analyze the technical system and generate inventive solutions to overcome challenges and achieve optimal performance.