Opportunities for Improvement

Opportunities for Improvement (OFI):

Types of Improvement (TOI) for Mechanical Systems:

Types of Improvement (TOI) for Customer Service:

Types of Improvement (TOI) for Manufacturing Processes:

Types of Improvement (TOI) for Marketing and Advertising:

Types of Innovation

incremental innovation

radical innovation


Sources of Innovation

The Unexpected. This is indeed the Eureka moment where something unexpected happens that leads to a new product or service. ...

Incongruities. ...

Process Needs. ...

Industry and Market Structure. ...

Demographics. ...

Changes in Perception. ...

New Knowledge.

Categorie of Innovation

Product innovation. ...

Service innovation. ...

Process innovation. ...

Technological innovation. ...

Business model innovation. ...

Marketing innovation. ...

Architectural innovation. ...

Social innovation.

InnovaWize.com, InnovaWizard.com, InnoIdeator.com, IdeatedChat.com, ImproAdvisor.com,

ImproGuide.com, Improvisor.io, ImproWizard.com, Improvistica.com, AssistedInnovation.com,

ChatScripter.com, ScriptedChat.com, BotGuider.com

GUI Fields

{Products:Mechanical Systems, Customer Service, Marketing & Adverising}

{Dependent on OFI selected}

Prompt Files