ChatGPT Recommended Topical Scripts

All Topical Prompts provided by <>

Highly Technical subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a highly technical subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [technical subject] and [specific industry or application] with the actual subject and industry/application of interest.

STEM subjects 

Sure, here are sample scripts for researching each of the STEM subjects using an AI Chat Bot:

For a Mathematics subject:

Note: Replace [mathematics subject] with the actual mathematical subject of interest.

For a Technology subject:

Note: Replace [technology subject] with the actual technology subject of interest.

For an Engineering subject:

Note: Replace [engineering subject] with the actual engineering subject of interest.

For a Science subject:

Note: Replace [science subject] with the actual scientific subject of interest.

Arts subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching an arts subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [arts subject] with the actual arts subject of interest.

History subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a history subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Can you give me a brief overview of [history subject]?

How did [history subject] develop over time?

Can you discuss the key events and turning points in [history subject]?

How did [history subject] impact society and culture during that time period?

Can you provide some examples of notable individuals who were involved in [history subject]?

How has [history subject] been remembered and represented in popular culture?

Can you give me some insights on the current state of research and understanding of [history subject]?

Are there any recommended resources or references for learning more about [history subject]?

Note: Replace [history subject] with the actual historical subject of interest.

Government subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a government subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [government subject] with the actual government subject of interest.

Military subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a military subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Can you give me a brief overview of [military subject]?

Can you discuss the different branches and units related to [military subject]?

How has [military subject] been involved in historical conflicts and wars?

Can you provide some examples of notable operations and events related to [military subject]?

How has [military subject] been viewed and remembered by different societies and cultures over time?

Are there any current challenges or controversies related to [military subject], such as changes in strategy and funding?

Can you give me some insights on the future developments and advancements in [military subject]?

Are there any recommended resources or references for learning more about [military subject]?

Note: Replace [military subject] with the actual military subject of interest.

Politics subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a politics subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Can you give me a brief overview of [politics subject]?

Note: Replace [politics subject] with the actual political subject of interest.

Business subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a business subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [business subject] with the actual business subject of interest.

Current Events subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a current events subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [current events subject] with the actual current events subject of interest.

Sports subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a sports subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [sports subject] with the actual sports subject of interest.

Internet Social subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching an internet social subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [internet social subject] with the actual internet social subject of interest.

Entertainment Hollywood subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching an entertainment Hollywood subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [entertainment Hollywood subject] with the actual entertainment Hollywood subject of interest.

Music Industry subject 

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a music industry subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [music industry subject] with the actual music industry subject of interest.

Health & Diet subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a health and diet subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [health and diet subject] with the actual health and diet subject of interest.

Finance subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a finance subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [finance subject] with the actual finance subject of interest.

Personal Athletics & Sports Training subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a personal athletics and sports training subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [personal athletics and sports training subject] with the actual personal athletics and sports training subject of interest.

"How To" subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching a "how to" subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [how to subject] with the actual "how to" subject of interest.

Entrepreneur subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching an entrepreneurship subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [entrepreneurship subject] with the actual entrepreneurship subject of interest.

Innovation subject

Here is a sample script of sequential questions for researching an innovation subject using an AI Chat Bot:

Note: Replace [innovation subject] with the actual innovation subject of interest.