Church Life Stories

Family Life Ministry Marriage Mentors Connect

Bishop Emeritus Wee Boon Hup and his wife, Catherine, share their thoughts and tips for a happy marriage. Read it HERE.

We Serve Because We Love; We Love Because He First Loved Us

By Neo Boon Sim, Lim Heng Nai, Felix Leo & Ken Chung 

Clearly, COVID-19 has featured greatly in all our lives this year, in one way or another. However, not willing to just let the pandemic ruin our year, some men from PLMC Men’s Ministry were determined to make 2020 count in a meaningful way, even amidst the exceptional circumstances we are facing. On 30 Oct 2020 (Friday), these men took leave from work or precious time off from their personal schedules and spent the day sprucing up our Church premises!

You see, the pandemic has resulted in the Church facilities being largely unoccupied for a number of months. While there are church cleaners maintaining the place, there are definitely areas where help is needed. With hardly anybody in Church during this period, it was also a rare opportunity to do some much-needed maintenance work.

With just a willing heart and serving spirit, this group of men spent the entire day cleaning up all parts of the Sanctuary (see pictures).

Stanley Sia, one of those who volunteered, shared that it was one of the brothers who suggested that with overseas travel still restricted now, organising something where our men could do some good deeds would be a great way to utilise our annual leave. This coincided with the Church’s needs, as dust and dirt have been building up over these past few months since the beginning of the Circuit Breaker.  Stanley felt that it was nice to be back in the Sanctuary again, albeit for a different purpose, “We had a good time fellowshipping with brothers from the Men’s Ministry and had a good work-out cleaning, varnishing and aligning the pews, as well as wiping the many glass doors on both sides of the Sanctuary. It was a day well spent!”

Sim Cher Young, another participant at the event, added, “I appreciated the continued initiative of the Men’s Ministry to organise meaningful projects. Helping clean the church was an excellent, practical service our group could put our shoulders to. In the midst of the work, I also got to know my pew-cleaning partners – Heng Nai and Martin – a lot better.” 

Martin Choo also shared how God had opened up the way for him to be part of this clean-up. When he was first told of this project, he struggled for quite a while because the dates coincided with his work meetings, and he was really torn between the two commitments. In the end, he took a leap of faith, put his name up, and prayed and told God about his desire to help. Lo and behold, one week before the event, his boss circulated an email saying that he needed to postpone the meeting due to some urgent matters. Hallelujah! PTL!

Heng Nai shared, “I started attending PLMC in end 2000. I basically enjoy woodworking like furniture making/repairing, guitar making, woodcarving, etc. Over the last 20 years as I come Sunday after Sunday for service, I noticed that all the pews in our Sanctuary had scratches all over and some pews were not level. Whenever some things a home need repair, I will immediately get them done or replaced. Haggai 1:4 kept resonating in my mind over the last 20 years as I see the pews in church being in that state and I have been wanting to do something about the scratches and uneven pews. When the Men’s Ministry organised the Church cleaning, I immediately signed up and offered to refurbish and repair the pews. I have finally removed the 20 years "problem" from my heart. I also found it very fulfilling when the job was done. The event has also brought me closer to some of our church members whom I don't usually meet in church.”

“I'm glad as a member that I could help out in the cleaning of the Church Sanctuary. It is the least I could do”, said Chua Why Lam. Not contented to just deep-clean the pews, the men also decided to take on the back-breaking task of moving the pews so that they are neatly aligned. “Although the task needs strong muscles, with my group mates such as Stanley Sia and Samuel Kerk, it seemed easier than it was. It's so satisfying to see the pews in proper alignment!” 

Covid-19 gave us this opportunity to do something for the Church, and we are so glad to be of service. This event goes to show that ministry and service does not need to be in an elaborate or grand fashion. Where there is a willing heart and serving spirit, we can do plenty!

This is not a once-off event, and the men have scheduled to return on 27 Nov 2020 (Fri) to clean other parts of the church. Do join them if you can! 

Find out more about the Men's Ministry here!

Staff Long Service Award 2020

By Rebecca Goh and Amy Cheong

Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."

We rejoice with the 9 staff from Paya Lebar Methodist Church, Hope Student Care Centre, Covenant Kindergarten, and Covenant Family Service Centre who received their Long Service Awards for service ranging from at least 5 years to at least 30 years.

The Pastors, Church Leaders and Chairpersons of the various Outreach centers thank each of the awardees for their dedication and contribution to the Church, and congratulate them on reaching this milestone.  

May the favour of the Lord & His blessings be upon them, and establish the work of their hands. 

Welcome to the Family!

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward grace. On 22 August 2020, with the most stringent of safety precautions in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 10 adults and youths were baptized by pouring and immersion. This video captures those very special moments for these beloved children of God.

The next Sunday, 30 August 2020, thirty seven adults and youths were confirmed and received into membership.

We rejoice with each and every brother and sister in Christ!

Marriage Preparation Course Mid 2020

by Andy Toh

We truly thank and praise God for the wonderful MPC Planning Team which included the Couple Facilitators. It was through their proactive initiative and bold creativity that this course was conducted via Zoom. I was initially apprehensive because group dynamics were involved. But honestly as the course progressed, the technical awkwardness gave way to warm friendships. It must be God at work and I was sure the rapport solidified through the small group times and personal interaction/texts the facilitators exchanged with their members.

There was indeed more communication during the CB period. Maybe it was also due to the overflowing passion of each Planning Team member for this course. Well, it certainly rubbed on to each other. It was so nice to see how each positively responded to the needs or enquiries from the planning to debrief stages. We celebrated God's grace through the extra miles and opportunities given to us. "It was according to the proper working of each individual part that causes the growth of the body for the building of itself in love (Ephesians 4:16)."



Online via Zoom - a new experience

It was difficult getting the couples warmed to the small group over an online platform, but we had to get used to the communication quickly. Difficult and even cold at first, to get the group to share, especially for such sensitive and intimate issues on marriage.

Perhaps it was difficult for group discussions when all the couples were almost total strangers to each other. Sharing would be kept to a very superficial level, not having met each other.

We initiated discussions by sharing our own experiences and spurred exchange by starting with more controversial topics. For some couples, we found some direct questions helped to encourage more participation.

By the third meeting, most of the couples were more open and warmed to the virtual meetings. We found in such meetings the facilitators become the point where questions and topics were directed to, and not crossed from couple to couple which would have been the desired dynamics. The facilitators’ role becomes more tuned to creating that group atmosphere. Actually without any other non-verbal cues like body language and speech tones to misinterpret, communication can be purer and more straight forward which maybe was a good thing!

Love relationship affected during this period


Couples had fewer chances to meet up during the CB and this strained the relationship for some. However we found that this generation is more adept in using social media and other non-physical communication than ours. When we were dating, the telephone was the next best tool and we could hardly wait to see each other in person each day. Although the visual part is possible with IT, the emotional and touch part is missing.


The course revealed some areas where we, as a couple over the many years, may have taken for granted and MPC showed us where we could learn to improve, too.

Spending so much time together during CB did put a strain to relationships, with each other’s routine disrupted by the partner’s. I found myself interfering with the household matters when usually I am not even at home. This created much annoyance to Anita to say the least!

Church and Community

We miss church worship and services as a congregation. Thankfully, technology offers a strong alternative. However, we hear of some who cannot accept that platform and for various reasons have dropped out of joining service. We pray that God clears the virus and allows us to come back as a church.

Hebrews 10:25 - Not giving up meeting together… but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

= Anita and Anthony



I felt it was a little difficult, as you could not see any social cues from other people especially during the group discussions. If you wanted to add on your thoughts, sometimes it got lost during Zoom due to connectivity or because the topic had changed.

It was difficult as I could not meet my fiancé for 2 months, because we live apart, but looking back now I felt we talked even more than when we saw each other face-to-face! After getting to meet each other when restrictions were lifted, I felt that I definitely cherished our time together a lot more. – Joann Ong


Jonwei and I signed up for the MPC with the intention to grow in our relationship through the guided programme with PLMC. We were expecting the course to begin earlier in the year but as Covid-19 hits our shores and both of us were involved at the frontlines, we were unsure if we could commit to the schedule of the course.

In spite of our erratic schedules and work hours, we praise and thank God for by His grace we were able to attend all the sessions online. The platform (Zoom) allowed us to login and join in the convenience of our homes and workplaces, and we are grateful for the mentors who went out of the way to deliver the materials to us.

While physical meetups and classes would be ideal, we are thankful that we could still go through the programme and glean from it despite the ongoing pandemic and its restrictions. It was heartening to meet the community of young adults who are exploring marriage and to hear their stories and share our struggles. I’ve gotten to know individuals whom I’ve never met in church before and that was very precious to me. - Kalinda Teo


MPC was a helpful introduction to the key aspects of a relationship that every couple should work on. The materials were relatable and easy to understand. Having couple time also gave us space to discuss what we learnt and how we can apply it to our relationship. Conducting MPC via Zoom was smooth, thanks to the planning team who did numerous test runs beforehand.

Covid-19 has not adversely impacted our relationship. We continue to stay connected with, and be there for each other, through video calls and physical meet-ups in small groups. - Elaine Lim

Farewell & Thanksgiving Service for Ps Wendy Tay

By Amy Cheong & Joshua Heng

On the afternoon of 26 July 2020, at a special Farewell & Thanksgiving Service, PLMC bade a tearful goodbye to Rev Wendy Tay who was appointed as Pastor In Charge of Fairfield Methodist Church from 1 August 2020. Ps Wendy had been with PLMC some 6 years, and her main role was as Pastor overseeing the Youth and Young Adult ministries. As many of the young people in church have attested to, these two ministries blossomed under the tender care and leadership of Ps Wendy. Many tributes were made during the service, and as it came to an end, the heavens poured down rain. Some felt it was fitting as the rain reflected the sadness they felt at saying farewell, and yet others interpreted it as showers of blessing from the Lord to show that He will always pour His Holy Spirit into Ps Wendy’s life and ministry. Here are some heartfelt thoughts from youths and young adults whose lives have been deeply touched by Ps Wendy. We will miss you, Ps Wendy.

Dear Ps Wendy, thank you so much for all that you have done in the Youth Ministry in the past few years. Above all, thank you for modelling to us what it means to have childlike faith and to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As I was praying for you, I got the verses Psalm 91:14-16 (": "Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” As you enter into this new phase of your ministry, I pray for God's wisdom and protection to be upon you always. May you ever be so bold and courageous in all that Papa God leads you to do. God bless!! (": - Rachel Koh


hello pastor wendy,

Thank you for making an impact in my life and helping me grow deeper in God’s word. I really enjoy your sermons :-))

Even as you venture into a new phase in your life, always remember that God loves you so much and has a plan and purpose for you!! Choose to be peace-filled over fear-filled even as you may face obstacles in your new phase. God sees your heart and all you have to do is to trust him!!

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9.

I hope that you will continue to be a positive light for God and continue to radiate God’s love and joy to those around you!! All the best Pastor Wendy! - Alicia Lim


Hi Pastor Wendy!! Thank you for being such an amazing pastor and just taking such good care of us in Youth Min!! We’re going to miss you so much, but we know that God will bring you places! Continue to seek Him in everything you do and draw close to Him for He is your strength!! Stay safe! - Peniel Ku


hey PWendy! i pray that as you step into this new land that God is leading you into, that He will pave the way for you and be the One who makes all the decisions and choices you will be faced with in the future. as you take your first steps out of PLMC, we want to say thank you for so greatly impacting our lives and helping us build our youth min family, culture & environment. i pray that God will always guide you in establishing a safe space for His church to grow in Him and to feel accepted, to experience a glimpse of the love He has for us! we love you PWendy, and you will be dearly missed :") - Annabelle Chua


2 Corinthians 15:57

"But thanks be to God, who always leads in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in EVERY PLACE"

Dear pastor Wendy,

Thank you for the time you spent and dedicated to PLMC youth. Thank you for teaching us that Pastors are human too and can be super cool.

As heart-breaking as it is to know you are leaving, I know that God is now placing you in a different community to give them the same exciting and refreshing experience that you have given us, and know that is the best feeling in the world. Wherever you may be, whenever you miss PLMC just come back lor HAHA - Gabriel Evan Lim

Holy Communion During The Covid-19 Pandemic

By Amy Cheong

PLMC, along with the other Methodist Churches in Singapore, suspended all worship services and church activities from 22 March 2020. While we were able to worship online in English and Mandarin, thanks to our strong AV Team and the technology and resources that God has blessed us with, we missed one very important aspect of our worship as a church family – celebrating Holy Communion together.

As we moved into the two months of Circuit Breaker which seemed interminable, and then into Phase 1 and Phase 2 after Circuit Breaker, Bishop Chong Chin Chung and the 3 Conference Presidents prayed over the desire to observe the Lord’s Supper while still keeping safe from the virus. Then in the middle of June, we received the joyous news that we would be able to celebrate Holy Communion as a church family during our online worship services.

We arranged for worshippers to collect the individually sealed Holy Communion element packs from church on designated dates, observing all the SafeEntry and safe distancing rules. We would like to thank all worshippers who have made this a very smooth and incident-free exercise, especially those who kindly collected the elements on behalf of those who could not do so themselves. This was truly Growing Deeper in Community.

Then on 5 July 2020, after three months of not receiving the bread and the cup of our Lord’s Supper, we could do so as a Body of Christ during our online worship services. We thank God for blessing us with this Grace.

We will be arranging for another collection of Holy Communion elements for September and October at the end of August, so do look out for the announcements on PLMC Updates, PLMC TODAY and over the pulpit.

Look out for more stories here weekly! If you have any stories of PLMC life to share, please email them with photographs (if any) to 

We'd love to hear from you!