Recommended Reading

Select Bibliography

Berrou, Raphaël. Histoire de la littérature haïtienne illustrée par les textes. 2 vols, Editions Caraïbes, 1975.

Bradford, Lydia (2017). Lavi pwezi kreyòl ayisyen soti nan lane 1975 rive 2000: yon vitrin idantite ak rezistans lengwistik. Honors thesis, Duke University. Retrieved from

Dalembert, Louis-Philippe et al. Haïti : une traversée littéraire. Presses nationales d'Haïti / Culturesfrance éd., 2010.

Daut, Marlene L. Tropic of Haiti: Race and the Literary History of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1789-1865. Liverpool UP, 2015. Available in hard copy at Sprague Library.

Daut, Marlene L. et al, eds and trans. Haitian Revolutionary Fictions: An Anthology. U of Virginia P, 2022. Available as an ebook at Sprague Library.

Dubois, Laurent, et al., eds. The Haiti Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Duke UP, 2020. Available as an ebook at Sprague Library.

Kadish, Doris Y. and Deborah Jenson. Poetry of Haitian Independence. Trans. by Norman Shapiro. Yale UP, 2015. Available in hard copy at Sprague Library.

"Littérature haïtienne." Île en île.

Marcelin, Emile. Médaillons littéraires: Poètes et prosateurs haïtiens. Imprimerie de l’Abeille, 1906.

Morpeau, Louis. Anthologie de la poésie haïtienne, 1817-1925. Editions Bossard, 1925.

Selve, Edgar de la. Histoire de la littérature haïtienne, depuis ses origines jusqu'à nos jours, suivie d'une anthologie haïtienne. Imprimerie de Cerf, 1875.

Stieber, Chelsea. Haiti's Paper War: Post-Independence Writing, Civil War, and the Making of the Republic, 1804-1954. New York UP, 2020. Available as an ebook at Sprague Library.

Venuti, Lawrence. The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation. Routledge, 1995.